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Hey There

John Lee Walker_

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Well, howdy folks! It's been a loooong time since I've been here, having joined while I was recuperating from major surgery back in 2009. This forum was a godsend at that time, and was very instrumental in helping me thru a hard time in my life. I really enjoyed the give-and-take and the useful information I soaked up while posting here, and want to thank all of the intelligent Gibson purists who answered my questions and interacted with me. I am, once again, recovering from major surgeries and semi-retired for the year with nothing but time on my hands and guitars to play and a manuscript to write, so here I am again, back for more:)


I have lost my username, it seems, as I cannot remember my old password and the email retrieval system for forgotten passwords will not work for me because I have moved to a different state and a different provider, hence a new email - ugh. So, if any of the admin folks are reading, can you help me out here? I had to re-register and add an underscore to my name and would like to reacquire my original username and stats, etc., if possible. That would be cool.


I did finally finish the customization project on my SJ200 a few years back and will be providing pics as soon as I get my account straightened out. She is a beauty, and one of a kind:)


It's good to be back, and I am browsing the forum and digging all the posts here again. Some very smart and helpful people here, and I look forward to reading up on all the juicy information once again. I have my eye on a Jumbo Western this time around, and, you know me, I cannot resist putting my own touches on every guitar I own haha. I admit to having a severe case of GAS at all times, and I also admit to having a severe case of GMS, as well (Guitar Modification Syndrome) lol...so I am soon to undertake a new project, and I hope to share it with all of you Gibson junkies.


So, for now, I will sign off, hoping admin will take care of my long lost username situation, and I am happy to be back in the know:)


John Lee Walker

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Welcome back!!! People come and go here all the time, but a few of us are still banging the drum. Good to have a prodigal son to come back home!!! I do remember pics of your SJ200, what a beauty! I'm sure the Administrators are diligently working on getting your credentials in order again! Keep on pickin'!

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OWF - yep, that's the one. I will post the specs with the new pics. Mr. Ren @ the Gibson Custom Shop in Nashville is da Man. As far as I know, not another internal amplification system like it in any other Gibson acoustic (or any other brand that I know of). Played a few coffeehouse gigs with it, and one venue had a very nice in-house Bose system and that guitar sounded unbelievable thru their PA. Hot Dots are very touchy tho, so I added a sound hole cover to quell the feedback and that works very nicely. Thanks for the welcome back!

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