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Yairi Guitar Factory Tour


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That was really interesting. I went online after and looked at them. I was shocked at the prices. I presumed from watching the video that they'd be about £3k plus, but they're all sub £1k. The online reviews are great too. I also thought that they were only classical guitars before this. If Joe Bonamassa chooses them, they must be good. He tours with 3 of them.

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if you think Japanese guitars are cheap mass produced junk, think again...

That was really cool, those guys have some talent and a lot of hard work goes into their work. I also went on line and was surprised at the prices too.

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Thanks for posting the video. That was very interesting.

I watch as many factory tour videos as I can find. I really enjoy watching the different styles of building acoustic and electric guitars.

There is a very well known violin maker here in So Ca. and I have visited his shop a couple of times.

Once to have a very cool violin I had valuated, and also he told me the history of it,<he dated my violin from around 1780 to 1800>. He also let me watch him work on some of his hand made violins. That was some thing to see, as he very seldom lets people in his work shop.

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I find these things fascinating, I have also spent a fair bit of time watching luthiers and violin builders. There are shops all over the world where artisans are dedicated to the art of making guitars, mandolins, violins, pianos.I am very impressed with Yairi.

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1418015762[/url]' post='1599489']

I've seen the video a couple of times already, but thanks for posting it here. I have 3 Yairis ( WY-1 TS, FYM-95, CYM-95) and 3 Alvarez/Yairis (AD-60S, AD-60S12, MSD-1). For the money, you can't beat them for quality or sound.


Here are the Yairis (in the above order):








Beautiful ! Those are really nice.Mr. Kazuo Yairi passed away this year, I hope the company he started continues his vision and approach to building fine guitars.

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