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Weird Tubes?


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I've been hording tubes for awhile.


Sometimes, in big lots, I'd pick up weird #'s, and just keep em'. I always figured, somebody might need em' someday for an old Jukebox, organ, whatever.


Here's a taste...


Anybody here need a few 5BR8, 6BZ8, 6K6GT?


I've got hundreds more.



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I started in the late '80's. For you youngsters, there used to be places of business's called.




No sh!t. They would actually fix your T.V., instead of just buying a new one. They would even come to your house and do it.


I would go to all those old timers and dig through their stash of jan 5751's, 7025's, ect., ect., Buy boxes at yard sales, flea markets.


Loads of fun. I got my nos Mullard GZ34 for free. Those old dudes would enjoy looking with you for stuff. Then sell it at cost, or give it to ya. Ham operators, Motorola guys, ect. It's a lot of fun hunting NOS tubes. But it's getting harder.


I'll get in the attic soon and put a list of weird numbers here if anyone is interested.


NOT GUITAR AMP TUBES, I'M KEEPING THOSE.......................


The other ones.



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I had an old Realistic Power Amp for my stereo when I was a kid, back in the late 70's. Warmest tones. I once plugged my Fender P-Bass into it just to see what it did. I figured out a way to hook it up and play. Wow, because the speakers were 15" in each cabinet, I was good to go to rock. I often wish I had that old amp.

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So do you have the old RCA catalogues of tubes too?

I read a post on TDPRI of an old radio guy. It was the coolest stuff about building amps.

He told you what you might need and how he used to scavenge everything from old radios and tvs. Capacitors, resistors, transformers from other power amps. Talked about the tools you would need to build your own amp and how to get them.

The guy new his stuff.

Anyway, cheers man.

Have a good weekend.

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