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Paul Kossoff Les Paul auction


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The Arthur Ramm-owned ex-Paul Kossoff Les Paul was supposed to have been auctioned off by Bonhams on the 10th but it seems to have gone under the radar.


Anyone know what happened?

Not that I expect my postal bid was the highest or anything, but I'm curious....



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You've piqued my interest Pippy. I'll do a bit more searching, but in the meanwhile thus is the link to the actual Bonham's listing. On the right hand side of the page is a person listed as well as an email address. Why don't you try writing them directly and see if you can figure if maybe the minimum wasn't reached, or perhaps an ownership spat arose.




If you do manage to get response, please be sure to share it, and if I find anything I'll do the same.


Pippy, I want to amend the above. Here is a link to the results of the whole auction




The guitar did not sell. There's no mention of why it didn't sell, but lot 147y is not even mentioned. I have to wonder if it was pulled prior to the actual auction.


I'll keep sleuthing for a while here and see if I can learn anything else.

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I wonder what the reserve was? A friend of mine has played this guitar (He's a dealer)and he says it's an absolute dog, probably a very expensive dog, but it is what it is, I wouldn't throw it out in the trash!

Slightly off topic, I found this rather interesting video on YouTube (you know how those things pop up)a film featuring the famous American guitar dealer George Gruhn showing a 59 & a 60 Burst:




We can only dream.



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Actually I did check out the Bonhams site before I wrote the topic, fromnabulax, which is the reason I posted yesterday but thanks for posting the links.

It is a bit odd. I didn't notice any mention of a reserve price in the on-line pre-sale catalogue but perhaps this lack of printing a reserve is the norm? IDK.



Perhaps I'll give Bonhams a call if I get a mo'.


And with regards the guitar being a bit of a dog? Yes; I can believe that.

In fact the neck of the Gibson re-issues of that guitar (at least the one I played) was a bit 'funny' so perhaps the CS got that one just right?....lol!

Neck apart; the guitar sounded utterly sublime. Probably the sweetest LP I've ever played.


Oddly enough one of our ex-forumites with whom I'm in touch once in a while has played the ex-PG/GM '59 and said the same thing ('dog') about that one.

Apparently PG himself never really rated the guitar. FWIW the finest LP that HE said he ever played was Clapton's 'Beano'...



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