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Saddle problem


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My Cargo is at least four years old, but it came with a fully-compensated saddle. Maybe they figured out early on that it was problematic.


I don't worry that much about intonation on acoustics, since the only time I play much above the ninth fret or so is when I do scales. Fortunately, my electrics have tune-o-matic bridges, which have (and need) a lot of range for compensation. It's amazing how important intonation is if you're playing "straight" notes up around the 19th fret on an amplified guitar. When I was a kid, I never could figure out why most electrics sounded so bad when played up the neck.

Well, I play less and less up the neck. But, I still play some Joplin pieces that have complex chords and counterpoint all the way up the neck. When I first got the Cargo it hurt my ears to play it. A bit of carbon fiber dust later and I was a happy camper.


I'm about to head out west for a week of talks. So happy to have this little, indestructible guitar to drag along.

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