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Les Paul studio Modifiche..


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Ciao a tutti, sono una new entry..

Possiedo una les Paul Studio di ultima generazione, una di quelle che suona un po(almeno)..

Volevo andare a sostituire i pickup per ottenere delle prestazioni migliori, in quanto non mi sodisfa..

Confrontandola can la mia standard 78 la differenza è abbastanza evidente, ma avendaola come seconda chitarra va benissimo.

Pensavo di montare un set up simile a quello di jimmy page nella sua standard, sapete per caso che marca e modello siano questi custom burtbucker che lui monta, che in questa minestra di burstbucker mi ci sono oramai disperso..


O Se avete soluzioni interessanti..



Ps suono hard rck con un jcm800 50w combo del 80'' da spavento..


Grazie Infinite


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Very roughly translated



Hello to all, is a new entry ..

I own a Les Paul Studio last generation, one that sounds a little (at least) ..

I wanted to go to replace the pickups to get better performance, because it does not satisfy me ..

I can compare the standard 78 the difference is quite obvious, but avendaola as a second guitar is good.

I thought to mount a set up similar to that of Jimmy Page in his standard, if you know that make and model are these custom burtbucker that he assembled, which in this soup burstbucker me there are now dispersed ..


OR If you have interesting solutions ..



Ps sound hard Rck jcm800 with a 50W combo, 80''from fright ..


Infinite thanks


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Ciao, Samuele! Non parlo italiano, in modo da perdonilo se questa traduzione che usando un Web page è una punta fuori. Ho tradotto il vostro messaggio con lo stesso Web page in moda da potere eventualmente aiutarlo qualcuno.




Hello, Samuele! I do not speak Italian, so forgive me if this translation using a web page is a bit off. I translated your message through the same web page so that someone can hopefully help you.


* * * * *


Here is a rough translation if anyone can help


Hello to all' date=' this my first post.


I have a Les Paul Studio of last generation, one of those which sound a po (at least). I wanted to replace the pickup in order to obtain better performance, as it's not my sound. Comparing it to my 78 standard, the difference is very obvious, but as a second guitar, it works very well.


I thought a set up similar to the one in Jimmy Page Standard, sapete for case that marks and model is these custom burtbucker that it mounts, than in this minestra of burstbucker me at this point is dispersed. Or If you have interesting solutions.


PS: My sound is hard rock with a JCM800 50w combo from the 80's


Infinite thanks




So, he has a Studio that doesn't sound as good as his 1978 Standard and is thinking about swapping in new pickups and is, I assume, considering wiring it like a Jimmy Page Standard with Burstbuckers. I haven't swapped pickups in decades so I have no suggestions. Anyone?

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Tratare de responderle.

Mi LP Studio-85 es potente, mas tiene ahora un Pickup menos potente@200Mvolts.Il mio chitarra:

PAF @ 200Mv e chiara.

Gibson @ +250 e potente.

Il burstbucker e potentissimo.


Mas potencia = menos claridad

Pui Potenza = Meno Chiarezza

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Thanks for the reponse..

is two days who i see in the web very lot of performance of the pick up, and in think if i try to make 490r neck and 498t in my studio something change??

becaus i know who burstbuker is really strong, but too much for me..


everybody know 490r 498t??



or you think is better put 2 bustbuker pro??


Thanbk u every body:D

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Thanks for the reponse..

is two days who i see in the web very lot of performance of the pick up' date=' and in think if i try to make 490r neck and 498t in my studio something change??

becaus i know who burstbuker is really strong, but too much for me..


everybody know 490r 498t??



or you think is better put 2 bustbuker pro??


Thanbk u every body:D[/quote']


I've never tried the Burstbuckers but I have the 490R/498T set in my Les Paul Custom and love them. They're aggressive enough to cut through the mix but still sound good clean.


One thing you might want to try before buying new pickups is adjusting the height of them. Personally, I like my pickups down pretty low (lower than most people set them) as I find that I get a smoother overall response from them. Here's how I have mine set:





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I post photo when i try with them... i find 490r and 498t from private vendor abot 90 euro.. I think is good for me..

I ask u another question...


Somebody chang the pot


same as b500k linear custom

a500k audio gibson


Thans for info


Thanks guys



Ps i play ina tribute band of led zeppelin..

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