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Arlos Gibson....


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Once Arlo gets up a head of steam there isn't anyone in the world that can rap like him. He pretty much defined the hippie definition of rapping before it veered off the highway and became what it is today and got confusing because some believe it to be a musical form. Arlo raps and THEN he performs music. Sometimes I think that if you had to be stuck on a desert island with someone that he'd be the guy to keep it all from getting too boring and other times I think it would drive you nuts to the point of contemplating homicide.

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Once Arlo gets up a head of steam there isn't anyone in the world that can rap like him. He pretty much defined the hippie definition of rapping before it veered off the highway and became what it is today and got confusing because some believe it to be a musical form. Arlo raps and THEN he performs music. Sometimes I think that if you had to be stuck on a desert island with someone that he'd be the guy to keep it all from getting too boring and other times I think it would drive you nuts to the point of contemplating homicide.


Hay Mp back in the day today's "rap" was around ......ever hear of "The Last Poets" ?

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