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Like Comin' Home..........

Buc McMaster

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Wanted to use the Dove for the open mic this evening, so I've been playing it exclusively thru the week prior. Good gig. Met two or three other player/friends of the host that were doing a set when I arrived. They all loved the Dove. It is pretty. But.............it is also long scale, and while I can play it as well, picking up the Hummingbird is sure feels like coming home. Behind a week of long scale, for me there is a huge difference in feel. The short scale Hummingbird has an immediacy to it, a directness that feels more intimate than the Dove.........suppose that's one way to describe it. Like coming home. [wink]

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Totally agree. That's why I play a J-45.


I played a Melody Maker (twin p/u) until I was about 19 when I found a 72' Les Paul "Recording" hanging in a pawn shop outside Phoenix. I brought a truckload of "trade" until the owner caved in and let me have it. I gigged that guitar for nearly two decades and everybody says you need a Tele or a Strat for Country, but I played a TON of Country.


While I did use a Tele AND a Strat for a while, I always came back to the short scale Gibsons, ending my electric days with a Custom Shop ES-339.


I simply don't like playing a longer scale acoustic now and will forever be a short scale man.


[thumbup] [thumbup]

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I'm usually OK with either scale, but there are 'coming home' guitars and 'leaving home' guitars for sure. Without getting too cosmic, I get the former result from guitars that feel like an extension of who I am and what I'm doing. Difficult to explain, but easy to recognize when it happens😍

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