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Singing and playing guitar?


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Learning to breathe properly is most important.


When inhaling your diaphragm goes down, your chest stays the same size and your belly expands.


Tighten your abdominal muscles as if you are preparing for someone to punch your gut - this gives you breath support which makes the tone better as well as pitch control.


Relax your throat while you exhale, keeping your gut muscles tight and slowly bring your navel back towards your spine.


If you sing a lot without breathing properly, not only will you not sing as well, but you might damage your vocal chords so you can not sing.



I learned that in High School, Choir and Boys glee. Good advice.msp_thumbup.gif

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Every instrument takes proper technique and many hours of practice.


IMO if you don't learn proper breathing and breath support, you are asking to be less than adequate.


Insights and incites by Notes


I am having to relearn to play guitar for not having played with proper technique too long. It is more backwards then forwards and I wasted many years practicing bad habits.

Your advise is more crucial for the voice even, as you said you could end up sounding like brain johnson, (in a bad way), if you do manage to get that far.

We can replace a broken guitar, we cannot replace our voice.

Nobody corrected my bad technique on guitar. I think I should seek a professional to make sure I do not ruin my voice with the same kind of mistake.

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