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Zombie movies...


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There's been lots of talk about zombies in this GUITAR forum... so I'd like to know who is a zombie movie fan... I am and my fiance is too, regardless of how bad the movie is, we just have to watch it to the end...



The best IMO are 28 days later and 28 weeks later... great story, great music that does wonders to each scene, and the actors did good as well... the fact that the "zombies" were quick and savage gave them something extra.


I know they had this virus and all and weren't actually zombies but c'mon, they were flesh-eating human-hunting mindless-a-holes (and not of the slow retarded kind).




The worst must be those 80s remakes of the night of the living dead and all the 80s sequels (the original night of the living dead is nothing to lose sleep over tho... prety slow if you ask me)

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Zombie movies are fun... but I like the funny ones. Deep down, zombies just creep me out too much.


"Evil Dead 2" and "Shaun of the Dead" are two that I really liked.


I'm not sure they were technically zombies.. but I kinda liked "I am Legend"... there was some freaky goodness in that movie.

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There's been lots of talk about zombies in this GUITAR forum... so I'd like to know who is a zombie movie fan... I am and my fiance is too' date=' regardless of how bad the movie is, we just have to watch it to the end...



The best IMO are 28 days later and 28 weeks later... great story, great music that does wonders to each scene, and the actors did good as well... the fact that the "zombies" were quick and savage gave them something extra.


I know they had this virus and all and weren't actually zombies but c'mon, they were flesh-eating human-hunting mindless-a-holes (and not of the slow retarded kind).




The worst must be those 80s remakes of the night of the living dead and all the 80s sequels (the original night of the living dead is nothing to lose sleep over tho... prety slow if you ask me)[/quote']


Thunder this is by far the strangest port you have ever made...

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Thunder what did you think of that song I sent you? "Dream On".


I'm still at the office and haven't been able to listen to it (haven't even been able to go for a snack, and it's 18:00 already...:) ) I'll listen to it when I get home and then I'll tell you in a mail O:)

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