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Hello and LF advice


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My name is Nicholas, Nick is fine; Crispin is my username so that is fine too. This is my introduction and I am also asking which forum to post the following request in:

I have had an electric guitar, Gibson Les Paul Studio for 10 years or so now, maybe 11? 

I have done everything I can to stop the humming noise it has emitted through any amplifier or cable I have tried, I have tried using a voltmeter and following stepped tutorials but I haven't been able to solve the problem.

I really want to play again, I have an acoustic but I love my electric. I have photos and I know the model number;


Which forum should I post this request and photos in?

Is there a template for what sort of information I should provide for the situation?


Many kind thanks,



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That’s replay not enough information to help you with any degree of certainty. 
“Humming noise” can be from a number of things. I would first check the ground wire running from the controls to the tailpiece. Use your multimeter to test continuity from the tailpiece to the ground lug of the output jack. If you don’t want to unscrew the jack plate, plug in a cable and test the sleeve to tailpiece ground. Check the pots and control wiring (including toggle switch) for rotated pots or loose connections, and then check the condition of the output jack itself. 
Is the hum consistent when changing pickup settings?

Good luck!

Edited by ashtone
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Try turning off all the nearby lights and lamps, and un-plug the internet wifi modem. 
And shut-down your cell phone(s), being careful to store them in another room. 

If the problem persists, at least you have eliminated those variables. 


Edited by sparquelito
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Florescent light can be pain is the a-sses to amps. I helped a friend troubleshoot a noise problem. Tracked it down to a florescent light in her loft area. Once we hit the off switch for the light the amp was dead quiet.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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