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Breaking The Band

Sgt. Pepper

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Anyone watch this show (Breaking The Band) on the Reelz channel? I watched the one about Black Sabbath, Kiss and Journey yesterday. The actors they get to play the real people look terrible, but its not to bad and I learned a lot about all three of the bands and the BS all the members do and go through. Anyone remember Journey was a real rock band before they got Steve? Ansley Dunbar, Zappa alumni was their drummer for them through the Infinity album til Steve wanted him sacked. Then they got another Steve in the band, the new drummer. Next is killer album. I grew up in the Bay Area and we had to endure more Journey on the radio than the rest of the country until they broke it big on the Escape album.


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59 minutes ago, Pinch said:

"The dirt" kind of soured me on those things... I wonder what I'd thought if I'd gone in fresh...

I still don't know what I think. Cheesy AF, but I couldn't help watching the whole thing.

Yeah I saw The Dirt. I am not a Crue fan and never will be they all thought they were the toughest guys on the planet, but you make woosy metal for chicks to listen to. It was lame. The big screen ones on Elton and Queen were awful too, although they did get the look right of what the guys were wearing. At some points in the movie I thought someone slipped in some gay porn. I remember seeing both in the theater and feeling uncomfortable watching some of it. We all know Elton and Freddie are/were gay men but how far did they have to go to ram the point home.

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46 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

¨. At some points in the movie I thought someone slipped in some gay porn.

That's when you jump up and down in your seat and go "YEAH! YEAH!".

Not that I'm gay - I just like to make a good portion of the audience uncomfortable.

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