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Martin CEO7 > K&K > Tonedexter = Blues!!!!! .....Warning: Martin Content!


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I don't have any vested interest, no allegiances.....

While I really love some of my guitars, if a Big Voice of some description said I can only have one guitar, well.....I get asked this a lot - there can be no choice - it will be my hand made (for ME!!!!) Cargill custom 00 deep body (sort of Nick Lucas shape) made of exotic woods - Gabon Ebony with Italian Spruce top, mahogany neck made to my spec - a smoothed out copy of a Martin Mod V with 1 3/4" nut  and 2 3/8" bridge spacing, ebony board, ebony bridge, Schaller M6 machines with ebony buttons....all set up to play beautifully by a master - James Cargill! And recently he installed the pickup system of my choice - the K&K Trinity Onboard system...K&K with a mic and preamp in the guitar.

But I really enjoy reading about and trying all the different addictive potato chips!


My Black Pearl pictured below, impossible to photograph gloss black top with Nikon on auto! And made harder by the Gibson forum not liking Imgur photos pasted direct anymore - had to paste in another forum and copy to here!:








Edited by BluesKing777
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Yeah you have posted that before its stunning.

The best thing I ever had in my hands was a Preston Thompson, what ever their copy of the D-18 is called. I never heard something so good, and it better be for the prices they ask. Its $4800 for the cheapest( I guess least expensive would be a better way of saying it) guitar they sell. And their dreads start at $5675.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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Yes, just played it for an hour....

What I said is not about cost or buying a nice guitar...there sure are plenty of those around ready to buy.

Nope, this was made FOR ME!

It has some foibles, sure, but it like a perfectly comfortable pair of shoes. And you can play it!

There is an emotional connection with the builder that you don’t get buying off the rack, perhaps more on my side than the builder......just another one he made, to him. To me, very special.

But you need to have played a fair amount of different guitars to decide what you want.




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Back again..

Saturday Morning 11.12am here, warm and really humid, just finished my ‘Saturday Morning C Blues capo 3’ practice.

Weapon of choice this morning: Waterloo WL-14L ladder braced, and I think I just found out it likes it humid! Oh yeah! When the guitar just ‘kicks in’ when you play, you just go above yourself. I couldn’t have ruined the moment by trying to record it, but just rolled with it instead.

For this playing style, the ladder Waterloo is just perfect, alternating bass sounds right, trebles cry out if pushed but are very melodic if played quieter. I mention this because some guitars of mine don’t work out, though great for other stuff.

Joy of multi guitar ownership is comparing the same tune on different guitars! Could drive you crazy, aha ha hah ha......





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On 3/12/2021 at 9:19 AM, BluesKing777 said:


I like all the different opinions on the different forums, but it does do your head in!

Nothing to do with guitars but I live between what I call Shark Bay and Snake Mountain.......where years back, the opinion was to 'kill everything before it gits ya' but recently is to 'let them all sort themselves out'....and I saw yesterday a 'Shark Alert' on a local emergency services app (handy to look up before you venture out on the roads sometimes)........ So there have been 3 dead whales wash up recently on the coast in widely distant parts of my state.

Number one landed on a bit of prime real estate, akin to a bit of Beverly Hills on the ocean. The dead whale got dragged in, chopped up and hauled away within minutes....can't have the golden beach affected.

Number two landed on the shore of the area where the town council has been charged with all kinds of things and removed after charging rates and taxes on land that has been declared 'flood zone' and the hordes that bought the land can't build holiday houses on it! Huge fuss. Whale got left on the beach to rot away to bones and attract sharks all summer! "'Shark Alert' on the app!

Number Three rolled in yesterday to an area not too far away from me that I love driving past on their coast road! For comparisons, I would say it was "very quietly rich Laurel Canyon-ish on the beach'........

Now they are gathering opinions to see what they will do to the whale...and it is like watching a thread on the guitar forums!😲


Edit: Oh yeah, I meant to mention...the first one was on the TV news and media, huge fuss -  and the other 2...... zip, just the emergency Shark Alert app thing.






Update for you on the whale situation....


As in the way of the world, number 3 dead whale from the very affluent beach area has been quietly hooked up and towed out to sea with not a mention in the (big) media.....

Number 2 dead whale has the townspeople of the poorer area crying out that the dead whale is a stinker and can be smelled all over town and up to 5 miles away! And people have been said to be cutting off pieces of blubber and taking it!





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