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KSG' date=' For a Christian you sure make allot of references to the male rectum.


Not that there is anything wrong with you just saying.:^o=P~ =P~ O:) O:) [/quote']


I keep interfering to him that it's ok to be gay. There's no shame in being who you are, but there is shame in being a hypocrite.

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Is an a$$ the same as a rectum?:^o Where did you go to school?


If there is anything that gets the rightys riled more then gay references I'd like to know what it is. I'll use it. Oh wait there is the other two pillars of the trinity of the right wing nut cases. They are guns and god.

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I keep interfering to him that it's ok to be gay. There's no shame in being who you are' date=' but there is shame in being a hypocrite.



It might be a bigger shame to be a dumba$$! The proper word in your sentence would be INFERRING...


Good try!:^o=P~

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It might be a bigger shame to be a dumba$$! The proper word in your sentence would be INFERRING...


Good try!:^o=P~


Thanks man. I know your just looking out for my spelling health. Could you come over and share an ice cream with me? We could take a long walk by the river and talk about sweet nothings.

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Funny how after dissing anything to do with God, Jesus or organized religion we are told its not God they're mocking but his stupid followers. I have never once on this forum tried to push my personal belief on anyone here yet I am considered a racist and a homophobe because I may be a little offended by the constant Jesus putdowns.

Come on brother. You want to instigate and then claim innocence as you stir the pot. Its getting about time for me to find another guitar sight.

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I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and said you were referring to the rectum but now you have came out of the closet as a Gay *** Rapist' date=' Its ok to be Gay but a "Rapist" Naughty, Naughty[-x [/quote']


Be careful how you throw the GAY word around! Moonie thinks it's hateful:-$

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I'm thinking he wasn't talking about those kinds of Americans. He was probably referring to those who pose in front of flags while holding a bible. These are usually the same ones that were to damn scared to have actually served their country in any civil fashion. Such as the military' date=' fire fighters, and or police.



You don't have to paint a bad picture of me to justify yourself. I am just saying that true Americans believe in the one true God, as this country was founded on Christian beliefs

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we are so posed to be free from religious persecution.


And church and state are so posed to be separate.


The only time Eye get mad at someone for their religious views is when the try to push them on me without me asking first.

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we are so posed to be free from religious persecution.


And church and state are so posed to be separate.


The only time Eye get mad at someone for their religious views is when the try to push them on me without me asking first.

You can believe what ever you want, it doesn't bother me

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Yes. Our founders were Christian. But they left England because of religious persecution. The king was dictating what church to attend' date=' ect.



Most of the America founding fathers were Deists, The writer of the declaration of independence did not believe in the divinity of Christ and even wrote his own bible without the miracles. (Look up The Jefferson Bible)


Thomas Paine was a Anti-Theist, Deist British philosopher who allot of people give credit for sparking the American Revolution, Thomas Paine was later cast out by future Christian presidents as being nothing else but a "Filthy little Atheists" Theodore Roosevelt.


So your assertion that the American founding fathers were Christian is a false hood as they all withheld different creeds and religion.

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