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Proposition 10C

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Shall the US Constitution be changed, so that the Ten Commandments of the Christian Bible be displayed on all Government property, and be legally binding, subject to the penalties described in the Bible?


For those not familiar with the ten commandments.


1. You shall have no other gods before me.


2. You shall not make for yourself any carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.


3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.


4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.


5. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.


6. You shall not murder.


7. You shall not commit adultery.


8. You shall not steal.


9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.


10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s."

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haven't we learned yet that there should be a separation between government and religion?


I'd consider moving to Australia or Canada if this passes. Not to be dramatic, I just feel strongly about this.



EDIT: There are some good parts to the commandments, I just don't think government and religion should mix. There are parts I don't agree with as well.

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Homz taught you well, minimalizing, mimicking and ridiculing the Bible along with Christianity.

He and his wife are now looking at the soup lines, coincidence I'm sure....


If I had a username, avatar & signature poking fun at Islam the way yours does Christianity, how long would I be banned?


Do what you want, I'm merely making observations.


Oh, why would the Ten Commandments be listed on every gov't building?

I'd be happy if they simply restored the ones removed by the various courts around the nation.

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Homz taught you well' date=' minimalizing, mimicking and ridiculing the Bible along with Christianity.

He and his wife are now looking at the soup lines, coincidence I'm sure....


If I had a signature poking fun at Islam the way yours does Christianity, how long would I be banned?



Not a big fan of Monty Python? How is my question ridiculing the Bible? You have learned well from KSG always spinning things to make them sound the way you want it.

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2 people already voted 2 of those two votes count for 2 people hence somebody did vote which is the opposite of nobody.


I am an optimist.


You're an idiot.


You are spewing.


It's a guitar forum.


Nobody cares about your question.


You are an idiot.


Did I mention that?




We're trying to clean this place up......



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Not a big fan of Monty Python? How is my question ridiculing the Bible? You have learned well from KSG always spinning things to make them sound the way you want it.

Python was humorous, your mockery is not.

You're an insult to hundreds of millions the world over who see no humor in your bullsh!t.


Careful using words like 'always' and 'never'....

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Python was humorous' date=' your mockery is not.

You're an insult to hundreds of millions the world over who see no humor in your bullsh!t.


Careful using words like 'always' and 'never'....[/quote']


You claimed my Sig was mocking the Bible yet find Monty Python humorous when the quote in my Sig comes from Monty Python: The quest for the Holy Grail, You need to learn how to be consistent.


Monty Python-Holy Hand Grenade

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NeoConMan is nothing more but Satire he is actually putting this act on to mock people like KSG' date=' You seriously cant believe there can actually be someone so clueless and delusional could you?[/quote']


People like Murph and Neo are why I have very little (if any) faith in humanity as a whole. KSG isn't as close-minded or combative as Murph and Neo.


I know people like Murph and Neo. Actually that's the majority of people where I live. At least of the one's I've met.

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You claimed my Sig was mocking the Bible yet find Monty Python humorous when the quote in my Sig comes from Monty Python: The quest for the Holy Grail' date=' You need to learn how to be consistent.


Monty Python-Holy Hand Grenade


Nice try.

Not every MP skit included Bible references, I AM consistent, and you need to learn a little restraint in barking out marching orders telling people what they 'need' to do.

Oh, I rarely chase links posted in a forum so don't make the effort for me alone....

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People like Murph and Neo are why I have very little (if any) faith in humanity as a whole. KSG isn't as close-minded or combative as Murph and Neo.

Wow' date=' what a sad existence. And you want to tell me I have a problem?




I'm not closed-minded, I made up my mind years ago what I would stand for and what I would tolerate.

There's a certain peace that comes from it...

Doesn't mean I don't 'understand' where you're coming from, or I haven't heard both sides of the argument.

I probably have and decided it's bullsh!t.

Try to sway me if you want, but your efforts so far are pretty pathetic.






I know people like Murph and Neo.
No' date=' you don't.





Actually that's the majority of people where I live. At least of the one's I've met.
Where do you live? I'd probably like to visit if I haven't already.

I can imagine your luck at meeting new people and forming friendships of any value....


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Nice try.

Not every MP skit included Bible references' date=' I AM consistent, and you need to learn a little restraint in barking out marching orders telling people what they 'need' to do.

Oh, I rarely chase links posted in a forum so don't make the effort for me alone....[/quote']


You remind me of that Bishop that was pissing off Michael Palin on the whole Life of Brian movie controversy, You should also take your own advice on Barking out "Marching Orders".


I love your satire and would gladly play along but please do not say that my Sig or this question is mocking the Bible when it is not.


A simple Google search on the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch should suffice but if you continue to ignore that it was a Monty Python sketch and refuse to look it up for yourself then you have no room to question my intentions.

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No, really HHG....

Just keep up your bullsh!t and keep playing stupid when somebody calls you on it.

You'll go far - in car sales maybe....


I'll venture a guess that there are more people in church every week than watching The Holy Grail.

Your audience is limited in scope and size.


Maybe you have Monty Python slumber parties where you and all your friends watch dvd's all night in your pajamas....

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No' date=' really HHG....

Just keep up your bullsh!t and keep playing stupid when somebody calls you on it.

You'll go far - in car sales maybe....


I'll venture a guess that there are more people in church every week than watching The Holy Grail.

Your audience is limited in scope and size.


Maybe you have Monty Python slumber parties where you and all your friends watch dvd's all night in your pajamas....[/quote']


I bet you there are allot of people in Church weekly rather than watching a Movie made 40 years ago so what? There are also allot of people in Mosques weekly as well how is this even relevant?


I did not know i was supposed to gather an Audience to reference Monty Python, Like i said i love your Satire but it gets kind of weak when you bring things up that are completely irrelevant.


Is that what you do? Do you go to slumber parties and talk how about how you secretly want to have sex with Obama?

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Tell us about yourself. Murph, Neo, Ignotum-Per-Ignocious, Me...we've been around and gotten to know each other a little bit. Murph and Neo seem like good people to me, they are straight shooters. IPI...I know where he's coming from...What about you?


It seems to me that you came onto the seen hellbent for leather, to make sure everyone knows you despise Christians and Christianity...Why? What's your game here? Just asking...

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THHG' date='


Tell us about yourself. Murph, Neo, Ignotum-Per-Ignocious, Me...we've been around and gotten to know each other a little bit. Murph and Neo seem like good people to me, they are straight shooters. IPI...I know where he's coming from...What about you?


It seems to me that you came onto the seen hellbent for leather, to make sure everyone knows you despise Christians and Christianity...Why? What's your game here? Just asking...[/quote']


I do not despise Christians in fact those are the only people i ever hang around with in real life, My mother is a Christian my Neighbors are Christians and we all get along so your argument that i despise Christians holds no water, But what i do despise is people like you that go under the disguise of Christianity and give out a bad image for the true Christians.


I still do not see how referencing Monty Python is mocking the Bible.

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I do not despise Christians in fact those are the only people i ever hang around with in real life' date=' My mother is a Christian my Neighbors are Christians and we all get along so your argument that i despise Christians holds no water, But what i do despise is people like you that go under the disguise of Christianity and give out a bad image for the true Christians.


I still do not see how referencing Monty Python is mocking the Bible.




I'm sorry to have disappointed you...I don't believe you, though. Your posts tell a far different story. Why hide behind the character and the MP fantasy? If you have something to say, say it and stand behind it...man up!


We still don't know anything about you...I jumped your sh!t because I thought you were a troll...I'm still not sure what's up with you and why your so hostile to Christianity and Christians...You came into this forum trolling for us...why?

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