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California contemplates ultimate reform - no welfare

Sacramento Bee



Could California become the first state in the nation to do away with welfare?


That doomsday scenario is on the table as lawmakers wrestle with a staggering $24.3 billion budget deficit.


County welfare directors are "in shock" at the very idea of getting rid of CalWORKs, which has been widely viewed as one of the most successful social programs in the state's history, said Bruce Wagstaff, director of the Department of Human Assistance in Sacramento.


"It's difficult to come up with the right adjective to react to this," Wagstaff said. "It would be devastating to the people we serve."


H.D. Palmer, a spokesman for the state Department of Finance, said California is in an unprecedented fiscal situation that has made all programs, from education to human services, vulnerable to deep and painful reductions.


"I don't wish for a moment to minimize the profound impact" that eliminating CalWORKs would have, Palmer said. "But the easy decisions are way past being in the rearview mirror for us. We face the specter of California not having cash on hand to pay its bills in July."


Wagstaff and other administrators are betting that the state will rescue the "welfare to work" program. But they are bracing for cuts that would slash benefits to the lowest levels since the late 1990s, when CalWORKs began as part of the federal government's bold reform of the welfare system.

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This could be a momentous decision.

Oh if it were to pass, maybe people would get off their asses and do something productive.

It's too bad it won't work.

The democratic legislature here in CA has made it so difficult to run a business. Nearly all of the reputable companies that have contributed to CA economy over the past 50 years have left CA. Too much government regulation. Corporate taxes way too high, the highest in the country. The bureaucracy from environmental restrictions goes on for years, not months. Public education now tied to property taxes. The system under the administration of the defeatocrats, has evolved into a quagmire of regulations and over taxation.

The status quo will not work and even CA Defeatocrat Leadership is beginning to realize this.

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