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On-line lessons


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SO I am new on here and this is only my second or third post. I do not play guitar yet, my wife just bought my first guitar for me. She was going to sign me up for guitar lessons also but was laid off right after she bought the guitar. Since that has happened I need to hold off on the lessons, but I have this new guitar that I want to learn to play. SO I have been searching the web trying to get some info about online lessons that are cheap/free. Unfortunately there is a lot out there and I am not sure what to look for. I am wondering if anyone has any recommendations for online lessons.

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Nashville, eh? <grin>


I don't know if the darned thing is even available any more, but the old "folksinger's guitar guide" got me started.


It wasn't on line, 'cuz heck, there wasn't any "line" to be "on." But...


The thing is, get a cupla three chords that work in a simple song you know, and make your hands do those chords while you're trying to sing along.


Frustrating, I know. But it gets the basics rather quickly.


Whatever you end up trying, though....


RULE #1 in my opinion is this:


Always stop playing when your beginner fingertips start tingling. Or, as has happened to me, when your too-long layoff fingers start tingling. Sit it out until they stop tingling, no less than 15 minutes, though, then get back to it until they're tingling again. Then quit again. Don't do this more than three pickin' times a night or the next night your fingers may hurt and you think, "gee, this ain't fun."


Before you know it, you'll be pickin' longer and longer and more and more smoothly. And you won't have to hold a note in a song for five minutes any more while you try to change chords.


After you've got around five chords figured out and moving between fairly well, then do the same stuff in a different key.


Transposing from one key to another? If you have a "lyric with chords" of a song, this web site can handle cut and paste if you don't have a more cerebral way to do it. http://logue.net/xp/



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Light pain?




Hey, I remember pickin' until I was literally starting to bleed when I started. And I was screwy enough to keep doing it regardless. I'm not sure that's what I'd recommend to the average newbie, even an adult. <bigger grin> I have a hunch I may have felt more motivated than some.



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Ahh!! Pain... this I recall as I built callouses!


... and I didn't stop, either /chuckle


Masochists are we!


I wasn't sure if it was another little something I missed 'cuz of how I play (vertical thumb/fingertips).


Thanks most kindly, sir!

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I *highly* recommend watching Pebber Brown's videos on youtube. Everything you need to know is there - right from the basics.


This will get you started;




OMG, that was SO insightful, you've no idea. I "pick weeds." Literally, that stiff shoulder thing is SO me.

I am so glad this topic got started and this was posted. I added it to my favorites on youtube, tytyty.

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