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Bridge Lift in a SJ TV


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Happy new year everyone!


I got this great sounding Southern Jumbo TV sitka top from '07 used off e-bay, and noticed a small area on the corner of bridge that is lifting, I can just slide a small piece of business card in. It really is not much to look at, but my questions are


will it get worse over time if I don't do anything?


is it expensive to fix having to remove bridge & re-glue everything or is it just glue that corner spot & clamp?


Here is a picture






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I had the same problem with my 2008 J-45 TV (which I bought used). My local luthier found the issue some time ago when I was having a bit of setup work done on the guitar. It wasn't really noticeable to the eye, but he had an extremely thin feeler gauge that he was able to insert partially under the bridge, much like your photo shows. He said it appeared that they hadn't fully glued the entire bridge surface during assembly. Fortunately he was able make the repair without removing the bridge (the fix was just as you've guessed).


All the best,


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