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Aaron Lewis Southern Jumbo $17198

The G

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Aged and autographed.

Shame on you Gibson' date=' SHAME ON YOU !


I guess I don't understand why Gibson shouldn't make whatever profit the market will allow. If they price a model too high, no one will buy it. If they price it too low, the model will have no value, (i.e. if you can buy a SJ-200 for $100 bucks, they'd only be bought by first-time buyers for young students). Of course, in order to make a $100 guitar, the quality would necessarily HAVE to be compromised.


So.... if a guitar is too much $ for you to pay, you have the right to look elsewhere, dontcha think?

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Aged and autographed.

Shame on you Gibson' date=' SHAME ON YOU !


It's not like Gibson raised the prices of all their guitars to this stratsphere. You can STILL buy the production model Southern Jumbo if you want it. If this guy's fans are willing and have the means to pony up that much for a souvenier, OK.


Red 333

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The Southern Jumbo model is a great guitar. I have one and love it to death.

$3653 is not cheap ,but not out of line with the competion, including

other Gibson models.

$4945 is the up charge to age (or as Jiliangirl puts it "Fake") a great looking instrumernt. Sorry ,

I don't get it?

$13545 is the up charge to have a "Perfectly Good Guitar" faked and autographed by an obscure guitar player

Sorry, I don't get it.

I prefer to have my instruments "Stained" by my own use or misuse.:-$

That includes Martin ,Fender and whoever else has jumped on this Relic bandwagon.

Hey, if you happen to go for this current craze, then by all means indulge yourself and enjoy your guitar.

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I saw a Joe Strummer Tele on craigslist in austin. Oy veh. BUT, it had this super cool neck plate with "Revolution Rock" stamped on. I'd like to get just that neck plate and put it on my tele. I think a touch like that to salute a particular artist is cool, tasteful, and desirable. And wiring and pickup emulation is cool too. An instrument that sounds like the signature artist's guitar only makes sense.


But I wouldn't buy a factory aged guitar. The artist didn't. I don't know what sort of artist this dude is, but who plays like that? And what tortured teenage fan of his has 17 grand? I smell a firing in the marketing department. Maybe I should buy one simply for the claim I was the only person to buy one. The honeyburst SJ looks nice though.






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The Southern Jumbo model is a great guitar. I have one and love it to death.

$3653 is not cheap ' date='but not out of line with the competion, including

other Gibson models.

$4945 is the up charge to age (or as Jiliangirl puts it "Fake") a great looking instrumernt. Sorry ,

I don't get it?

$13545 is the up charge to have a "Perfectly Good Guitar" faked and autographed by an obscure guitar player

Sorry, I don't get it.

I prefer to have my instruments "Stained" by my own use or misuse.#-o

That includes Martin ,Fender and whoever else has jumped on this Relic bandwagon.

Hey, if you happen to go for this current craze, then by all means indulge yourself and enjoy your guitar.



All great points... but that doesn't mean Gibson should be ashamed, (except for poor marketing). That's the beauty of the free market, (such as it is), if you think a price is too high, don't buy it. If everyone doesn't buy it, the price WILL come down to a point where people WILL buy it....and THAT will be the price!


P.S. I, too, wouldn't buy a "pre-aged" guitar...they get "old" too fast as it is.

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