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Led Zepp Tribute Band


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I've got tickets to see Houses of the Holy Led Zeppelin Tribute Band this Saturday night.


I saw them last year and they were pretty good. Picked up some free tickets at GC a couple of weeks ago. Can't beat the price for some good music.


Anybody else see them???

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The concert was great. They played three sets plus two songs for the encore. The only "hit" songs they didn't play were Black Dog, Whole Lotta Love & Good Times Bad Times. I know they can play them, just weren't in their planned sets I guess.


Overall it was awesome. The main guitarist had a 1974 Gold Top Les Paul.


I could really tell the difference in their sound when they used other guitars besides their Les Pauls. The second guitarist used a Jackson most of the night.


Just goes to show how great a Les Paul sounds, especially for LZ & Jimmy Page.

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