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interesting article on "VOICING" a guitar....


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Dana refretted my Martin back in the 80s when he was "just" a warranty repair person for Martin. He also did a partial refret on my '64 Strat in '87. I called him in '93 and asked if he would refret my Tele. He was too busy but referred me to Dan Erlewine, complete with password and secret handshake, for which I am eternally grateful. Dan saw the nut I made for the Tele and asked why I didn't refret it myself... he ended up giving me a diamond fret file and a video and encouraged me to do more repair. So I owe a lot to both of those guys.


Legend has it that a guy left his Martin (in it's case) behind the cab of his truck. He had a couple 55 gallon drums full of god-knows-what back near the tailgate. He got in an accident, the drums flew forward and crushed the Martin flat and into splinters.


Dana put it back together.


I've never met the man face to face, only chatted on the phone, but he seemed like a nice guy and obviously knows his stuff.

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