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My bandmate may buy an old Moog Prodigy


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He's been looking to pick up some kind of keyboard for a while now and yesterday we went to the GC in Hollywood and found one that we really like. It's in the [completely amazing] "vintage room" and I don't know whether it's technically "vintage" or not but it looks like its from the70s. It's a little Moog Prodigy. It sounds ridiculously sweet. We playedwith it for a couple hours. For a while I'd play something and repeat it on the keys and he'd change the settings and it sounded awesome. Think "On the Run" by Pink Floyd.


The price is about $750 I think but the guy there said he could make a better deal.


Have any of you guys ever played one of these? Any Moog owners?


I should add that my friend has a Moog Ring Modulator pedal. That thing does some sweet tremelo and vibrato effects as well as some crazy ring mod effects.

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