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I have no doubt about that....now how does a guy get started without spending a fortune? Any recommendations on an inexpensive but good turntable?


It's still more in the cartridge than the turntable although arm and head resonance do influence the sound. Are you going to run it through the soundcard/usb on the computer or go old school and get an amp and speaker setup? Any of the DJ stuff will work if you can tolerate the USB (digital) input. Go to any of the big box stores and see what you can find.

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I can't recommend 'cuz my turntable's been in a box the past 15 years. I hope this summer to dig it out and get summa my old vinyls onto the computer - more for multiple backup purposes than anything else. Besides, you can't run vinyl in your car very well regardless of a 1950s Chrysler Corp. attempt at it.



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Yeah Mike Bloomfield sure is a miss not havin' him around. I particularly love "Mary Ann" off the Live Adventures cd and have it on my iPod. Just hearing the beautiful bell like tones comin' from his Les Paul sends tingles down my spine every time.

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I have no doubt about that....now how does a guy get started without spending a fortune? Any recommendations on an inexpensive but good turntable?


Go used to save some cash and like flyingarmadillo said, get a good cartridge. If your stereo does not have a built in phono preamp you'll have to buy one. Those Bellari VP130 models are 250 USD, so do your research on cheaper models if that is out of your price range. Used vinyl is great because it can be inexpensive and you'll always find hidden gems. For newer stuff, Matador records presses most of their catalog on 180 or 150 gram and 4 Men With Beards do some great reissues on 180 gram.

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