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OCD v.4 Review

Josh James

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Wow, just plunked it down on my board replacing my stock ts-9 as a solo boost and it is the B's Knee's! I then proceeded to switch it places with my Keeley BD and use it for solo boost and OCD set to HP mode for my drive....I must say, it made the Deville sound very much like a cranked plexi. This has to be one of the most versatile pedal's on the market today.



I then just used it alone as a boost on LP with my Class A 1X12 and it was the most awesome vintage overdriven sound ala James Gang I have ever heard.


In short, I think this pedal has a place on everyone's board...just my two cent's =)






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I have one on my board too, its not the V4, its an earlier version that Ive used for quite sometime along with my Keeley Fuzzhead, I have my clean tone with a Marshall, then the OCD set at hp for a nice crunchy boost then I have the Fuzzhead for my fuzz tones, if I kick the OCD on over the fuzzhead I get some nice screaming tones with the SG !! Love the Fulltone pedals !! I have a 69 and I have one of his Deja vibes too which is great with the strat

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I still have it on my board...but rarely use it. That's because I usually play through my Tiny Terror and it is just no needed. The Tiny Terror also doesn't like overdrive pedals. In front of my Fender Blues Jr. it is heaven.

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I love the sound of the OCD, but still don't own one....I don't know why. [lol]

On my stomp board, when I use it, I've been switching between a Wampler Super Plextortion and this other custom pedal called a Black Label Overdrive. (Nothing to do with the Zakk Wylde MXR pedal)

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Speaking of stompboxes....has anyone ever tried to make their own? Just curious about maybe building my own....would save money and I could sell them to friends.






I've thought about it a lot, considering the amount of money I seem to hemorage on guitar gear each year.

Unfortunately, my soldering skills suck to the sloppy, globby, clusterfuxory extreeme keeping my electronics dream...just a dream.




I can get by with changing out pups and pots in a guitar cavity, but tight in circuitboard soldering, not a reality for me.

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I've made a handful over the last few months. It's a lot of fun(and quite possibly the most addicting thing i've gotten into). If your decent at soldering and have enough patience to read the color codes on those tiny little resistors, you can do it. There's a few good sites to buy PCB boards from like General Guitar Gadgets, Tonepad, and Build Your Own Clone. Small Bear Electronics has all the goodies that most of the "Boutique" companies use.


Try it out!!

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Ah, that would make it a bit more tricky. You could always use a digital multimeter. One good thing about ordering from places like Digikey or Mouser is that they label all the resistors and caps for you, and they put them in seperate bags(makes it a ton easier). I've got little jewel cases that are labeled for the resistors. Small Bear also has resistor kits that come in a case with labels..

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