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Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Now in the finals!! (New Video Added)


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I like that girl blowing her vocals, you can barely make out "España"


I also like the "mistake" theory, somebody scores on another team because they made a mistake, go figure, all sports in all of the history of human kind defined in a single idea. A team makes a mistake and the other team capitalizes on it....pretty fu*king deep stuff...doesn't it always work that way? in all sports?

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I like that girl blowing her vocals' date=' you can barely make out "España"


I also like the "mistake" theory, somebody scores on another team because they made a mistake, go figure, all sports in all of the history of human kind defined in a single idea. A team makes a mistake and the other team capitalizes on it....pretty fu*king deep stuff...doesn't it always work that way? in all sports?




You're right, of course. Most winning situations can be put down as a mistake from the other team or player.


But there a difference between a mistake and mistake. You can make the wrong decision, you can be outsmarted, or outplayed. Then there is the mistakes where no one is making the wrong decision, no one is really outsmarted or outplayed, because there is no one there doing anything at all. One is quite a bit worse than the other, don't you think?


Letting someone run in freely at a corner kick is a beginners mistake and it shoudln't really happen at this level. Especially when that someone is Puyol, he's not the kind of player you can afford to forget about.


Spain won fair, of course. But the goal was pretty cheap. That's the way I see it anyway.

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Way to go Spain, they really stepped it up in that game and showed what they are capable of. The other "mistake" resulting in the goal was the defenceman standing with his shoulder against the post. The correct position in that set play for him was to be on the line 1 yard in from the post. Had he done that, he would have been able to head the ball away. It will be a great final, but of course Netherlands will prevail!

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Walking to City Hall Square after the game...



Walking back home from the square




I envy you.... really I do. [biggrin] Spainards definitely know how to party! I can't imagine how much fun it will be if... rather WHEN they win the final. [thumbup]

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Don't count your chickens yet Spain.[biggrin]


Germany was very bad, The Netherlands are something else.


Spain lost against Switserland remember?


Our forwards and midfielders are much better.[thumbup]


The midfield will be the most important thing in the next and final match.......

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