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I do not have a guitar that does not have dings and scratches, it seems as if the more careful I try to be the worse it is, even my new R8 already has some marks already.


Not sure why that would add character or mojo. Guitars get beat when they get played that's all.


Like the old refrain says: Todo por servir se acaba...

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I hate dings on the neck. I can deal with them anywhere else' date=' but I always feel it when I play. I had to buff one out[/quote']


Yeah I was gonna say that's the worst place . I'm weird though. I feel you, a drummer once hooked his foot on my V's strap while shuffling across the rehearsal room and whipped it to the ground, snapping the neck off. After a visit to the shop, it plays better than before now. [cool]

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Yeah I was gonna say that's the worst place . I'm weird though. I feel you' date=' a drummer once hooked his foot on my V's strap while shuffling across the rehearsal room and whipped it to the ground, snapping the neck off. After a visit to the shop, it plays better than before now. [cool] [/quote']



I would have lost my mind.

Freaking drummers.


Did you kick him to the curb?


Hopefully not before he paid for the repair.


I guess that's why we need this guy...



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Sorry to hear about the dinger. Yep, they happen when you least expect it. I remember the first ding I put on my Ricky 4003S/5 bass. As I was putting the Schaller strap lock on the bottom button, I lifted the bass up up and the top of the headstock hit the ceiling! Scuffed the paint a bit, could have been worse. I also have a very small ding on the back of my Explorer Pro. I unhooked the Schaller strap lock on the top of "Gumby" while I was walking, and the strap lock swung and hit the back of the body. Pretty weird; just a very small ding and difficult to see, but it's there. I think the healthy way to look at it is that it can (usually) always be worse.


I wish I was a gigging musician; it would be cool to say something like, "This ding happened when I was playing at the WI Valley Fair in 2008" or some other gigging site. That to me is "mojo"!

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I would have loved a ding! 12 years ago, someone else knocked my first Gibson LP off it's stand and broke the headstock...and I watched it happen. I was in high school, and had worked my butt off to buy it. I had only owned it for 3 or 4 months...too short of time to be separated from your first Gibson

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I would have lost my mind.

Freaking drummers.


Did you kick him to the curb?


Hopefully not before he paid for the repair.


I guess that's why we need this guy...




We are best of friends to this day (brother from another mother). It was a freak accident. He is a freak, he had an accident. Blessing in disguise, really - Some monkey had done a really crappy refret so it was tedious to play at times. The repair shop clamped it in some kind of jig, reglued the neck, and dressed the frets or whatever. It plays damn nice now, years later.


Funny all this came up, he just came through Detroit on tour (same band I used to play in) and we partied down.

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