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Acid sweat! The spawn of all players! And new track posted.


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Been bugging me for YEARS (actually ignored by me for years).


I have to do a vid today. Kinda cool idea to clamp a cam onto my axe. However, my trem is 3 colors of white black and RUST!


What the HELL do you guys use to clean your hardware? I was thinking of WD40 and a toothbrush? *shrugs.


Yeah also our record company just released a new track. I DARE YOU DUDES not to like it ;-)



320kbs, stick it on yer Ipod. :D

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Acid sweat is a real curse when I had a music shop one of my customers I believe used to sweat battery acid, he could make a new set of strings look like they had been in seawater for a week by playing for about 15mins. The screws in his scratch plate also only lasted a short time before needing replacement.


I am no doctor but some people apparently excrete higher than normal levels of uric acid and other acids in their sweat.

I have heard that this can be diet related and dehydration can also be a factor, high alcohol intake and low water intake are also possible factors.

There are various rust removers on the market but I would take the hardwear off the guitar before use as some can lift paint especially old nitro finishes. The Loctite one works OK but if the chrome has gone then replacement or replating is the only answer

To prevent rust there is an excellent rust preventitive called ACF 40 that is used on motorcycles and boats etc and seems OK on all the paint finishes that I have come across. you can get it from various outlets even on ebay. If the chrome is very pitted and rusty you will struggle to get it looking good again but you can try polishing it first with Solvol Autosol Chrome polish ( from motorcycle shops etc) then apply light coat of ACF 40 onto the metal. Be sparing with the ACF 40 its slippery stuff if you get it on your hands. ACF 40 is also usefull if you have a collection of guitars and you want to prevent rust in storage.

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