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I Dont Need It !


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well, A friend of mine just got in a '00 Korean built Epi Les Paul. It ebony finish and as light as most strats. It has a great set-up on it and the orginal pups. I could probablt get it for a couple hundred or so but I dont need it. I'm trying to talk myself out of it.

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Yeah, I didn't need my Hagstrom Viking, either. But I sure wanted it!


Honestly, I'm a little annoyed with myself for that one, 'cause I was meaning to buy a new bridge for my G400 and some GFS pups for my Brownsville, and now I've gone and spent all my monies. But every time I strum that Hag, I start strangely feeling a lot better about my decision. Oh well, this time I'm getting those upgrades before I even think about buying a new guitar. Yep, I really mean it this time! Nothing's gonna change my mind!




...Crestwood reissue, you say?

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Thanks. I wish Dual Showman. No, It's a lowly '69 Bandmaster Reverb head that I put two heavy duty 6x9" speakers in. I sold the original twin 12's cabinet that originally came with it when I bought it new. It ended up being too big and bulky for the gigs I was playing at the time so I bought the '73 Super Reverb it's sitting on top of.

The other amps are a '99ish Crate GX-15R, a Pignose 7-100, and two Fender Frontman 25R's. The Pignose and the 25R's I just bought new this year.

I got infected by the GAS and AAS bug that's been going around. lol

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I'm trying to fight off semi hollow gas,do I buy a 335/dot style or maybe one of those GFS semi hollow LP types.....

Grrrrr. Or maybe a blackheart 1/2 stack ( really I don't need another amp or guitar) arrrggghhhh.Oh the agony of GAS pains!!!Must stay off ebay....Whats that? Cool!! How much? HELLLLPPPPP MMEEEEE!!!!!!!

Self control fading.......

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