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Lefty Epis

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Is there a fairly exhaustive list somewhere of which models Epiphone made through out the years in a left handed version? Half the time I don't even know if a certain model even exists in a lefty so I might just be imagining something.


For example, I would love to have a double cutaway LP in vintage cherry or TV yellow. I think Gibson made them left handed at one time but I don't know about Epiphone.


Same question concerning acoustics. Did Epi ever make lefty Doves or Hummingbirds or EJ 200?


I'm also interested in a Korina Flying V which I know was made by Epi in a southpaw but must be pretty rare.


I would appreciate any suggestions or info about the history of Gibson or Epi lefties.


I have an Epi Joe Pass Emperor, an Epi Dot and '69 Gibson SG custom.

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most people spoutout to go to southpaw guitars.com but in my experience, they are a higher cost than many others, but they might set the guitars up and dress the frets...but am not sure.



i agree, i would like a korina explorer and a V.... there are some other good repros out there...there is a company in australia that makes a GORGEOUS explorer... 900 aussie, not sure what that converts too... i am expecting the explorers to start going up in demand soon... my friend bought one off his brother for 200... god what a steal... anyways....


i bought my sheraton in 2001 (with purchase of my usa strat from mf. (guitar has been at my buddies house with my marshall stack, fender reverb and all my effects for like 5 years or so.. cant wait to get it all back sooon)


just got a g400, fell in love with it, but it was damadged//should get the new one next week i think (from zzounds)



try myrareguitars.com for the double cutaway, and rondo music.com has some other nice copies too.

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of the top of my head...




Tony Iommi G400

LP Standard

LP Standard Elitist*

LP Standard Plus Top

LP Special II

LP 100




Joe Pass Emperor II


McCartney Texan




I've seen more electrics and acoustics but can't remember the models...


as for the EJ-200, I am in the process of having a RH EJ-300S converted to LH...I own

the * models...

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