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How Heavy is the Epi BB King Lucille?


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Yeah, like Jerry said, mine is probably around 8lbs. too (I never actually weighed it) but it's about the same as my Les, that the guy claimed was 8 lbs. when I bought it used.


I've seen some HC reviews where people complain about the weight. I think the larger size may add to the illusion of it's weight too.


- Jay

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My Epi Lucille is the heaviest of all my thinline semi-hollow guitars. The combination of closed f-holes, stereo wiring, Varitone switch, brass TR cover, and TP-6 tailpiece all add a little bit of extra weight, so the combined effect is noticeable. But I don't think it weighs as much as my Peavey T-60 --- now that thing will build up some muscles on ya!


Oh, and as a keyboard player, I have to laugh at guitarists complaining about how heavy their instruments are. When you've schlepped a B-3, Leslie, a Rhodes, or a Yamaha CP-80 around (or some combination thereof), THEN we can talk heavy!:D

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