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Need some advice or suggestions with a new LP copy

Sheik Yerbouti

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Hey, I recently got a Les Paul copy that I am playing through an Epi Valve Jr head with matching cabinet, basically a 5watt class A amp, with only a volume control.

I have noticed that when I switch from Treble to both to bridge, there's either a delay or nothing at all. I've tried quickly flipping the switch back and forth and if I move it slightly one direction or the other I do hear some static. I am going straight into my amp, no effect pedal (I have a Zoom II 505 I got used, but I really think it's either a pos or I am a dope and don't know how to use it)

So is this normal? I've already returned one of these guitars for a similar issue (treble volume was roughly 1/3 the volume of the rhythm)

Am I doing something wrong? Please advise

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H...... I've already returned one of these guitars for a similar issue (treble volume was roughly 1/3 the volume of the rhythm)

In that case, could the bridge pup perhaps been too low in relation to the neck pup (or neck pup too high.... or combo of both) ??? As far as your current problem, yeah, it sounds as it's switch or wiring/soldering related, as Rotcan suggested.
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Hi, I recently had a similar problem with my Epi Les Paul Standard; the Neck selection just wouldn't work but the Middle and Bridge were fine! So I took it to my uncle and he told me that when he took the selector switch out of the guitar the neck's prong that comes into contact with the switch blade was bent out of the way so that a full contact was not possible. All he had to do was use a flathead screwdriver to bend the prong back into place. Hopefully that helps :D

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