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What would you trade off for your guitars?


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This is off the subject of guitars, but relevant to the core of the discussion. One of my guitar player customers at work mentioned that his parents gave him a tweed Fender Deluxe Reverb 1x12 amp when he was younger. This amp was sitting in the closet gathering dust and I told him it was probably worth $1200 or more. His eyes lit up and he checked it out with a friend who collects antique guitars.


The guy told him that, yes, it was probably worth that and he knew a guy who was looking for one just like that. The guy who wanted it said he couldn't pay cash, but he had an aluminum fishing boat with trolling motor, 25hp motor, and trailer he'd like to trade. My friend was looking for such a boat and they traded. He has been beaming and thanking me ever since!

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My guns,smoking premium cigars(did that),and going out to eat. When I do go out I eat cheap. This has made it possible to buy about 2,500 worth of equipment within the last 9 months not including 60 bucks a month for lessons.

3 guitars

4 amps



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take gigs i normally would shun. easier to play 'em knowing what i plan to buy with the money.

in fact i think i'm actually grin'n ear to ear when i play 'm - even while the little brat is drip'n his ice cream on my gear.




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