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i stuck between a rough patch


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That's a tough one cause I want one of each. Just finished playing my 2001 flying V for a bit,the white Gibson.

The neck profile is a little on the larger side but not huge. I love the way it feels and plays.And how cool it feels hanging from the strap.


I've always wanted the 58 Korina because that's as close as I'll get to an origional,unless I get custom shop type money.

On the other hand the faded is a Gibson,and would probably hold its value a bit better. I'd like to find one of the older ones with the cresent moon inlays.


What can I say I likes my flying V's!!

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the gibson faded flying v!!!!!!!! I keep telling people about this guitar.I i had the same dilemma you did and found one for 400 bucks---almost new. I can honestly say this is one of my favorite guitars, and i find them to be AN ABSOLUTE STEAL!!!!!!!! THE PICKUPS ARE HOTTTTT! justmy 2 cents

look on ebay-- YOU WONT REGRET IT.

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