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Newbie here. Been browsing for a bit and found a lot

of useful info. Figure I might as well join. I have a few

guit's in my kennel including '92 Joe Pass II (samick).

It's my only Epi (I did have a 12 string in the late 70's,

but the neck was so warped I turned it into a planter).

Anywho.. I love the feel of my JP. The electronics/hardware

is why I'm here.


Pup's - So many choices out there. SD's, GFS, Gibby..etc.

Basically looking for bluesy-rock sound with just

the right feedback control, ala Sweaty Teddy (Nuge).


Bridge - ABS, roller, compensated?


Wiring - RS kits, Gibby, OEM..?


Tuners - Grovers vs Klussons or ?


I'm not to concerned about original parts (all my guit's are

players and they look it too). Any input is greatly appreciated.

Ciao fer now. bluestwo.gif

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Pickups are a subjective thing, but I must say, seeing your avatar brought back some fond memories for me. I used to have quite a few Freak Brothers comix, them and Mr. Natural (R. Crumb), Shuman the Human, wow, thanks for the memories.

Edit: I'd go for them Grovers If'n it was me, the ones on the blue guitar pictured below are way better than the Gibson tuners on a Goldtop I recently sold. Them Grovers never go outta tune.

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Tnx y'all. I grew up on Rip Off Press comics.

Well..any comic really. I'm sorta leaning to

the Grovers (mind you, anything I do will

probably be on the low budget. My wife has

better things to spend my money on after all).

Age? ha! I'm 19 with 27 yrs experience hat-man.gif


BTW..how do you set up a sig here?

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'Far as I'm concerned, ya just can't go wrong with them Grovers, even if they are Asian now! If I'm not mishtooken, their 18:1 ratio too, real responsive, I found the Gibson tuners were quite sluggish in comparison. As far as electronics go, the only thing I had a problem with was the selector switch, it got swapped for a Switchcraft, no more problem! The guts in 'ol Blue are still stock, haven't really found the need to replace them, I do fades with the guitar all the time, and no trouble there. Oh, where the hell are my manners? Welcome aboard! There's a ton and a half of real kool folks here would give ya the shirt off their back...well maybe not THAT extreme, but there's a vast pool of knowledgeable guys here will answer just about any question you got...'cept maybe serial number thingys! If I didn't hang out here, I'd be in the dark about just about ever'thin about my trusty Blue Bomber!

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The selector switch is the first thing I had to replace

(broken toggle). The bridge needs to go (not original),

it buzzes on the G saddle. Plus the posts are narrow,

causing it to lean in and throwing off the intonation.

Sometime in it's previous life the PG disappeared and

the TRC was swapped out for a plain solid black.

I don't regret trading a MIM strat for this though.

She just needs some TLC and attention (my other guit's

are getting jealous I think). I'll post pic's soon.

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I have a few

guit's in my kennel including '92 Joe Pass II (samick).

Anywho.. I love the feel of my JP. The electronics/hardware

is why I'm here.


Pup's - So many choices out there. SD's' date=' GFS, Gibby..etc.

Basically looking for bluesy-rock sound with just

the right feedback control, ala Sweaty Teddy (Nuge).

Bridge - ABS, roller, compensated?

Wiring - RS kits, Gibby, OEM..?

Tuners - Grovers vs Klussons or ?



You didn't mention which guitar you want to customize..I'll assume it's the Joe Pass?

Well here's my .02 worth. (no particular order)


Pups: everybody's taste is different, but this is a archtop jazz box, so you are not going to get the

screaming electrified blues or tone out of this one. It's more of a mellow-yellow type of guitar.


I have GFS Vintage 59s on mine with push pull tone pots (.047uf traditional jazz box) and .022uf for

a bit brighter..but not too much tone.

SD makes some nice ones too, so do DeMarzio, so does Kent Armstrong (jazz pups), and even the

Stew-Mac Golden Age can qualify in the economical offerings.

Gibson 57 Classics, you can't go wrong with those..pricey but they do have that creamy sound.

Bendetto A-6, a very good Jazz humbucker (Guild uses them)

There a dozens more, but these are more appropriate for the JP.


Bridge: Either a t-o-m or the standard ebony. I use a GFS t-o-m and it has a slightly brighter tone

with it. Rollers are more for solid bodies, but if you like that style and do a lot of string bending,

it may be helpful for your style of playing.


Wiring: I like the old school Gibson vintage wire, but it's only good if your p_ups and pots are 1 wire.

(hot and shield). If you are going to 4 wire coil splitting (and push-pull tone pots), stick with the

shielded 4 conductor. You might want to use a molex male/female 5 pin connector (available from most

electronic stores) to make your p_ups connectorized so that you can change them out faster as

wiring up a archtop is a time consuming job, and you need to fish the pots, jack and 3-way.

Stew-mac do sell the kits though. Just check to ensure that the wire is the type you need.


Tuners: Another subjective component on a guitar: Grovers, Klusons, Gotoh, Gotoh Vintage (keystone type),

schallers,..the choice is up to you and what style of button you like and the gear ratio..16:1 14:1 etc.


EDIT: You may want to change the OEM tailpiece for a GFS one as well. Much better IMO.



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