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Les Paul Standard


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i just bought a les paul standard 2nd hand n it sounds rubbish, sounds really quiet when its not plugged n sounds really tinny, chords also dont sounds that great on it. i think it might coz its old, ive looked at the frets and some of them are worn down a bit. would re-fretting fix it?

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Pickups are pretty subjective in that some people like the stock pickups, some don't, myself included. I swapped mine for some older uncovered Gibson pickups (T-Top), and the difference is like night and day. Other things to consider are electronics, hardware, again, all subjective things. Bring the guitar to someone who knows whats up, and have it gone through. You can always swap the pickups/electronics/hardware, have the frets dressed, get the guitar set up correctly. It could be something as stupid as pickup height, maybe their mal-adjusted, try that before you plunk down money for mods to it.

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well i was gunna get some new pickups anyway, ones similar to my other guitar, seymour pro amico 2 or sumthin like tht. ive got a guitar lesson tomorrow anyway so im gunna show him.

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Welp, no matter what you do, you'll probably take a great guitar, and make it even better. I'd try adjusting the pickup height first though, and go from there. If you're not comfortable doing it yourself take it to someone who is. I'm thinking if they sound muddy, their too far away from the strings, raise them, but not too far, as they'll hit the strings, and sound like schitt.

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if unfretted strings sound tinny and rubbish, it has nothing to do with frets. You might have crud in the pots or shitty wiring, not to mention the pickup switch and the pickups. Playing with the pup height would be a good way tio spend an evening or two but I'm not so sure it will help you a lot. I hope you have already changed the strings :-k

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