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Pickup placement help!


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So, i've been in the market for an acoustic/electric recently but haven't been able to find anything that appeals to me too much. I just found a regular acoustic on craigslist, however, that i'm lovin. The only thing is that it's just plain acoustic and I can't plug it! I was wondering if there's anyone on here that has put a pickup in an acoustic before! Any tips, suggestions or ideas would really help. And sorry if this is a nube question and terribly offends someone. This is a link to the guitar for reference (it'd be a project):





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floating pickup is what is used a lot on that style guitar..

that guitar will have a very bright natural sound.. they were designed to cut through playing non electric with horns and reeds..

so dreadnaught it aint..

that would take me to a humbucking pickup, at the neck position.

Kent Armstrong makes one.. www.wdmusic.com


you could got with a piezo. yes they make them for that kind of bridge.. but I wouldn't. too bright. too punchy, too much attack which the guitar already has.

so that's what I'd say.. humbuck magnetic pickup floating style.. at the neck.. great for slide, easy to overdrive.. warm and fluid.


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oh and I don't know what ****** punched a hole in there.. it didn't help.


for those who don't know.. it's not the stupid hole that makes the guitars sound, it's the top.

the hole is just there to allow air to move freely and not hinder the vibration of the wood.


that guy ought to be shot.


he was trying to keep up with a dreadnaught and ruined a nice guitar.

I've got a 1940s harmony F hole guitar I'll let you have for 50.00 if you want it.

probably blow that thing away.. now that that one's wrecked.


geez that's a shame.



ps you don't want mine either. *L* it's got no truss rod.. just a hugely thick neck.

I love it on the wall.. and it's nice to play though, too.

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Yeah, i figured he cut that in there because with all my research i coundn't fine one acoustic with the hole and the f holes together. I figured if I could make him come down in price it'd be worth trying to fix, but the whole custom inlays thing is just scarin me so I don't think i'm going to check it out. Think of how much it'd be worth if he hadn't cut the hole! even in poopy condition they sell for $700 minimum.


Thanks for the awesome feedback all the time TWANG!!!


ps- does your harmony sound good enough even though it has no truss rod, or is there a lot of buzzing? I don't know if you were pullin my leg about selling it but i'd take it if it were sufficient to practice or do some song writing with. (is it one of those steel reinforced neck deals?)

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I suppose you could hang a ordinary humbucker from the soundhole(I did it). Unfortunately I'm not aware of any mounting systems that will let you do that without screwing up the top.

I think a Piezo in the bridge will sound horrible for slide.

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