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Slight hint of GAS.....


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OK, I've been looking a little while now at a Dot 335 in Black, I see that there are a few on Ebay at the mo and I kinda like them, however I'm having trouble justifying buying one, hence the need to know more. I mean I tend to play classic rock, you know the stuff Thin Lizzy, AC/DC, Foriegner, Eagles, even been known to try playin' The Pretenders ( Its the Chrissie Hynde thing that does it for me!) My Ideal guitar really is a Gretsch Black Falcon, but at the value of a secondhand car over here, the missus would tear the nuts off me and feed them to the Dawg! So I guess thats out for a while... So, Someone sell me the idea of a DOT 335? I mean two of my mates have Cherry Red 335's and I just wondered about a DOT?

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I like my dot guite a bit. I Like my sheraton II more, but the dot is comparable in a lot of ways. A lot of people would say to get the dot and change out the pickups, which probably isn't bad advice. I like the pickups in my stock dot well enough, but I do plan on changing them out for some GFS mean 90's in the near future just to have something different sounding from my sheraton. I don't think the neck on my dot is THAT chunky, but then again I have goliath hands. I think dot's are sexy too.... I like the head for some reason.


For the money, I can't think of any archtop i'd want to own besides a dot/casino/sheraton, though I am interested in test driving the gretsch electromatic's sometime.


PS- the falcons are HOT.

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Justification? Hows about the price?!?!?!?


The Dot is a pretty awesome guitar (my friend has a beautiful black one), having only played a handful of Epi LPs and Dots, the neck is slightly chunkier than the LP but thats never bothered me. The Dots stock pus are relatively loud, especially in comparison with other Epi semi hollows like the Sheraton. It's up to you though. One thing I can say about both the Sheraton/ Dot is that they are brilliantly versatile.


I agree with CB, the Sheraton is the better guitar IMO and you could mod the heck out of it and it would cost only a fraction of a Gretsch.


I've had terrible GAS for years, wish there was a cure....

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