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LP, setup ok now buzzing again! Now truss rod moving up/down


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Hey just quickly what you guys reakon.


Have set the neck straight on my les paul and lowered the action and the retuned it till it was nice with no buzzing strings and the strings quite low.


Well.............................. The low E string is buzzing now at every fret i try like its set to low. ok on the thinner strings. I set it up yesterday and has been fine since and was ok when i picked it up a little while ago but its started buzzing again!


The truss rod felt tight when i adjusted it so wouldnt of though it turned itself. Its almost at its tightests point now tho.

The action looks the same as when i set it before.


What could be going on?


Also might help to mention i have to down tune everytime i pick it up as its always sharp. Think the temp in my flat varys alot so this might not help.

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Remember, MJ...when you set up a guitar, you need to give it about a day, to "settle in," so you may have to

readjust, slightly, as needed...a time or two. Also, this time of year, can (in some climates) wreak havoc with

guitar necks, depending on humidity and temp changes...again, depending on where you live. In England,

I'd guess the temps would be the biggest factor, as humidity is always present, huh? Here, in "mid-America,"

Winters are (generally) a lot "drier," and Spring/Summer being quite hot and humid. So, often...we have to "set up,"

(at least) twice a year, to compensate. Especially 12-string guitars! Arrrrrgggh!


Is your flat heated with dry heat, or steam? That may effect the humidty enough to cause such changes? It's

hard to say, for sure...as some guitars can be quite finicky, and other's barely need any adjusting. So...???

Try to be patient, and adjust in small increments. Good Luck!



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It is my opinion and others I'm sure that you want some relief in the neck. A straight neck isn't necessarily the optimum set-up. Can you raise the low E slightly? I'm not familiar with LP's, but on my Dot I can raise and lower the strings on one side more or less than the other.


Oh, and when you adjust the truss rod you should only do it in quarter turns at a time. The fact that you say you have it as tight as it will go gives me some concern.

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Have set the neck straight on my les paul and lowered the action and the retuned it till it was nice with no buzzing strings and the strings quite low.

Well.............................. The low E string is buzzing now at every fret i try like its set to low. ok on the thinner strings. I set it up yesterday and has been fine since and was ok when i picked it up a little while ago but its started buzzing again!

What could be going on?


What is going on: Your TR adjustments have the neck (over)torqued' date=' so that it is continuing to re-shape itself as the TR tension gradually overcomes the resistance of the wood and the strings over time.


[b']How to fix it:[/b] Please, say that you marked the TR nut with a sharpie before adjusting it. In 1/4 turns per day, back the TR nut off to where it was before any changes. If TR nut was not marked, back it off 1/4 turn per day until it is loose. Then tighten 1/4 and let it set 1 day. On the following day, do a complete setup using factory string height specs. Don't worry if it buzzes or not that day or even the next. The neck needs to "settle down" so let it. Within a couple of days you should know if fret buzz still needs remedied. If so, add or reduce relief in small increments this time waiting 1 day between changes.


LP string height: LPs are not metalhead/shredder guitars -- Lps are finicky about string height. Strings can sometimes, if done carefully in small doses, be lowered about 1/64-1/32 below factory spec. w/o buzzing. But to do that, everything else has to be right on (frets level, neck nearly straight (but w/fraction of relief), nut/saddle slots cut at correct depths.


Don't panic -- just take it slow (plan to play others for a couple of days). Good luck.


Hit every BLUE NOTE baaaby..., I'm going to play on:-"

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cheers for the help guys. will back off the trust rod slightly. Without looking i think i turned it a whole turn in total as there was loads of relief. I did turn it more than 1/4 turn a day. Turned it quarter of a turn a time but did whole lot in the one set up.


Will put back to before and add 1/4 turn.


Also thought that maybe the tune'o'matic bridge maybe winding itself in slowly as the the actual threads arent the tightest as standard. Anyone heard of that??

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Oh no!


Just backed it off and went to take out the allen key and the truss rod started to pull out of the hole in the headstock!

obviously cant fit out but thats bad right?? (was the whole rod moving.)


Its still adjusts the neck relief tho? is this normal?


Thanks it seems better with that bit of relief back already.


Wanted lower for playing bit faster roung the 12 frett and up and it doesnt seem to have altered it to much so far. Will let settle in for a day or so.


Also my heating in my flat is storage heaters so the worst type. Cold then hot! (cant remember who asked)

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