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My Les Paul standard sounds muddy on my amp.


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Ok I bought a Boss me20 the other day, and you can hear the effects through phones completely independant of any amp, so I put my strats through it, it sounded really nice, when I plugged it into the vox it sounded good but not the same, so I plug my Paul in, sounds muddy, then I plug my paul into the me20, wow it sounds fantastic, Its gone from being a balls to the wall rock guitar to having nice sweet clean tone and defined distorted tones, So my vox At30 vt must just be a bad match for the les paul. I actually thought its versaltility was 0 I can play RHCP stuff now, Im really happy to hear how it can sound I just need a amp now, with no modelling or any other crap just a good amp, and let the me20 take care of the effects.

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