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New pickups for a 2006 riviera


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i got one early september, and the pickups on it well not to mension the pots, i would more then like to replace them all its just im not sure with which. i know EMG's are good for the high end gain and stuff but im not sure on which pickups would be good for sparkling clear or crunch


id like the higher gain pickup for the bridge and the cleaner, crunchier pickup for the neck, but does anyone have any advise for pots and these pickups or which pickups and pots would be the best for this?

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ah right' date=' so is there anything you can recommend?[/quote']


Might depend on what type music you do, and what kind of "tone" you want?


But, IMHO...Gibson '57's or Burstbucker's would be the way to go, with that

guitar. Other's here, have had great things to say about GFS (various) replacement

pickups, as well. And, there's always Duncan's, Kent Armstong's and others, too.



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i got it from a guitar shop called riedys in blackburn (england) for £320. it was the last one they had and was in their warehouse for two years before they accidentally found it again and decided to sell it.


this is the last set of epiphones (Except for elitists) to be made in korea since they moved the manufacture of all other epiphones to china. and no, this was again the last set of riviera's to be made so no more. however they are making a signature riviera but its probably not better.


i love the riviera, its much better then most the casinos ive had a go on.


id also like to say that the neck pickup has stopped working recently and because im told that because gibson own epiphone, they put rubbish parts in them so they are no where near as good as a gibbo. ive done nothing but love this guitar. i polish it atleast once a week (Ironically with gibson guitar polish)

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There are 2 definitions of LOL' date=' Ron. Sometimes, I think CB is closer to the 2nd.


1. Laughing out loud.

2. Laid off lover.



Oh, is that right? Interesting...didn't know you were in a position to observe my "lover" status?

But, if you're referring to the amount of time spent here, and posting I do...I would seem to have a LOT of

company. But, you may have a point...might be time to go out "cruising chicks," instead of spending time

here? :>) (This is in jest, and Not a personal attack)



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Try to...I'll admit though' date=' it's getting a bit more difficult, these days.




That's strange because it seems lately I can't stop laughing to the point of almost wetting myself...how can you not laugh when you read the ridiculous shi!t that gets posted here? There's more fantasy here than on every wish list Santa's ever gotten. Hippie Chrisbus everyone !




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ah right' date=' so is there anything you can recommend?[/quote']


Gibson and Seymour Duncan both make great mini-humbuckers but I'd strongly advise holding on to the original pickup mounts because these are very difficult to find. There's cheaper brands of pickups you'll hear about here but they're not going to ba any kind of improvement over the original pickups...maybe slightly different sounding and new packaging but made in the same Asian factories as your originals with the same generic sound....go with the Gibson or Seymour Duncans...you don't save any money buying cheap crap...regardless of that being the mantra of so many here..


OK...I'm confused...does your Riviera have full-sized or mini humbuckers...either way there's no savings or value in cheap crap.




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I thought a 2006 Riviera had mini-humbuckers...anyway, the pic shows regular humbuckers, which is great cause minis would have limited your choices. As a matter of personal interest, what is the serial?


Personally I like vintage PAF-type output humbuckers. They clean up nice, and retain a lively dynamic character in most musical settings. As been said allready. You can't go wrong with either Gibson or Seymour Duncan. If you decide on the Burstbuckers I'd pick the wax-potted Pro model for an archtop, and not the non-potted BB1,2 or 3...

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WOAH new revalations! looks like the shop lied to me hoerrendously and my riviera was attually made in:


Peerless Plant, Korea

March 1997

Production Number: 0573


bastards! and one of the pickups have completely stopped working too! god dammit.


the serial is: R97C0573

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Yes, R97C would indicate '97 Korean Peerless. I'm not into archtops really, but it's my understanding the Peerless quality in general is quite good.


If the PU stopped working you should return it to the dealer to have it fixed. Surely you must have some sort of guarantee?

FWIW. It would be unusual for a PU to stop working. My guess is something is screwed up in the wiring or you have a defective switch.

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the pickups also suck, thats why i thought id get someone i can trust to put the new ones in rather then take it to the shop again and risk them ****ing it up for a 2nd time. the first time i asked them to set it up for me, and they did **** ALL. i asked whilst they were at it to lower the action a little, and they didnt.

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