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define model, please


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Exeter says, stop spelling my name wrong, or the interocitor will get you!




That's my amp.

It features Mr. Gils board inside, as well as some parts, all shamefaced due to my lack of soldering skills, but bearing up well despite the indignity.



It is a Valve Junior, Version Two. purchased for 85.00 via musicians friend because neither they nor the previous owner knew how to

clean a fuse holder.

Neither did I, really, but I came in here and read about it, and immediatly bought the amp.

Me smart, you jane.



It features a Weber OT.

everything else is new but the pt.


In short,

upside down cab, routed front panel for new screen..

flow through ventilation. *it was good enough for chrysler, it's good enough for me*


standby switch added.

tweed tone. gain control. volume control


the famous Loop De Jr.. also by our Mr. Gil.

and input jack.


rear panel included NFB on a three way switch.

You get full signal, C3 out, C3out/NFB on.

NFB cuts volume down.


also Conjunctive Filter on a three way switch.

you get, CF on, CF off, CF on.. both 'ons' sound different.. one more muted for highs than the other.

smooths out the overdrive/distortion a bit on setting one.. takes you closer to Santana territory with the other.

*whether you like it or not*


Also rear mounted fuse holder.


I love it.

I really really do.

And I'll put it's 2468 parts, *Exeter swears it's true!* up against .. uh.. less parts.


JJ tubes, currently.

although I prefer a 5751 in the pre.


Everyone who sees it thinks it's even better than it is.

Which is handy when you're dealing with people too dumb to realize how good a small amp can be to start with.


Nice guitar, too heh? heh?

yah, me did that aswellso.


killer combination, too.

the whamoticker with the huge capacimons totally rollerizes the resistoids until one can barely speak.

Or make sense.



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I copied it off the web and printed it out..

then taped it on with two sided tape.


you can't tell unless you pick at the edge of it.


I keep meaning to add a speech balloon that says


".. with 2,486 parts.."


which is one of the lines from the movie This Island Earth about the Interociter device Mecham and his assistant are instructed to build.




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