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Epi LP Custom over-rotating knobs (solved)


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Hey guys, im new to the forums.

I have a problem with my recently purchased LP custom. The control knobs were fine from the beginning, (like 2 weeks ago) but now, whenever you spin them to the max, they just go on spinning so that the whole potenciometer spins around, its very annoying. Btw they aren't that gibson style gold-like knobs but those black plastic ones. Any advice on how to stop then over-rotating will be very apreciated, thanks guys.


Edit: I've taken the back cover off and the potenciometers seem to be "glued" on to the wood with some double-sided tape or something

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I'm no pro here but I would think the pots are secured with a nut and washer, not mounting tape. You may wanna check and see if you can carefully tighten the nut.


If the problem if that the knob is just spinning around, you can also spread the pot's shaft with a heavy pick or a blade or something like that, carefully or you'll break the shaft, so the knob fits tight once you place it back in position.


This is beginning to sound like a porn story! lmao

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Thanks for the replies, but i've figured it out myself.

Memphs: neither ebay nor china, it's from a legit local guitar store.


If any of you need the solution, here it is:

a guitar potentiometer looks something like this


if the little nut is loosened too much, its.... um... gonna be loose. What you do is take the knob off and tighten the nut just using your fingers, then put the knobs back. Thanks to you too Canine.



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Nice guitar.

Next time though, you may want to try editing your pics a little. We don't need them so big. The first one has more green in it then black. Try cropping your pics. I think every one is out of focus as well. I'm sorry, but those are just some of the worst pics I've seen on here in 3 years. And I've seen some bad ones.

I'm Glad you got your problem fixed. 8-[

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I like the pickguard 8-[. Might take it off sometime though



Just be careful when removing the pick guard though, you may be in for a surprise underneath caused by the pick guard screw, I know I was which is why I left mine on, the screw had damaged the finish underneath the pick guard! :-#

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