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Let's have a contest..


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Just my two cents worth... in an effort to promote a bigger show


1. Epiphones and Gibsons

2. Set a cutoff date for photo submissions. All submissions eligible if visible.

3. Have 4 classes - Epiphones and Gibsons compete in these same four divisions

A. Stock with guard

B. Stock without guard

C. Modified with guard

D. Modified without guard


A custom or aftermarket guard bumps you to modified with guard. Stock is stock.

Custom wiring' date=' pickup change, tuners, any change bumps you to a modified class

with or without guard deciding which. If modified, (as most will be), it will be up to

the entrant to list and photodocument the mods for inspection. This will showcase

more guitars and also the work that has been performed to them yielding a more

informative overall result in the contest. No more than one entry per class per entrant.

For example member26 could have entry into classes A,B,C,D - but not 2 in B and 2 in D.


As in the original cutoff date for submissions there will need to be a cutoff time for

assessment and voting. Say a week or so. Voting can take place at the end of the

inspection period so as not to be overlapping and difficult to tabulate. Entrants should

be aware that this will be largely based on the appeal and completeness of how the

guitar is presented: as this will, (reguardless-no pun intended), impact on their likely-

hood of placing well in the voting. An eye pleasing image of a beater guitar could

possibly fair better than a so-so image of a pristine case queen. Winners annouced

and reposted seperately as such at conclusion of contest. Only problem I see with this

is awards is now at four rather than the single. So maybe something cheap but mean-

ingful like a glorified can-koozie? After all the guitar and the glory are the real prize anyway!


again, just my two cents....




Why not separate solid and hollow body, then do some sort of bracket thing, where winner of round advances and eventually one is picked winner. I think it's fair, and may help keep things more even. Just my $.02

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I suggested guard no guard since that was the initial way the contest was intended.

I think it works pretty well as a divisionary measure to start from. If you go with something

concrete like, for example: (solid - hollowbody) it's probably going to increase the classes again.

Before long, it'll be too big and you'll wind up with single entrants in certain classes. This was

another reason for the One entry Per Class per Entrant. To garner a wide range of different

types of stuff to look at without, (hopefully), over saturating any given type of set-up. One thing

that has occured to me is that for this to work it's gonna need to be continually bumped to the

start of the threads or it will be lost so far down in pages - that within days it'll get buried and

forgotten. While there's bunches of things to post, getting them here, in time, on time, and

hoping for continuing interest to the point of the vote will take some advertising of the game

plan for a period. If the entries were held during this point and then hit all at once maybe

that would make enough of an impact to hold interest. The spirit of the competition will do as

much as anything to make this successful at least amongst the entrants. First thing though is

to set some dates and times, finalize the structure, get the word out, and find somebody that

will run the project to it's completion. I will not be interested in that position as I might (for

this), finally get some photos up as a entrant and I am by no means good enough on a

computer to be able to pull off that kind of project. If I was to enter I'll need help from a family

member to do so. I'd like to see this happen just to see some detail shots, and to determine

if there's any real motivation in our collective forum members. Personally I'd like to see this used

as a model for an Epiphone backed contest. They do contests frequently anyway so maybe

something where we had to work a little bit might net us one of these higher end new models

they've been teasing us with; food for thought. Here again, a good showing might turn a few

heads. I doubt the Junior would be going through different versions if they were'nt paying at

least some attention. Let's find a brave soul to front this thing and make it happen guys....




P.S. I will add one request for a class that might be better suited on another heading but since

this is a photo contest basically: one item I'd like to see in this would be...drum rolll please

MODIFIED VALVE JUNIOR. I know they're out there; Jr's that have been so changed over they

barely resemble how they looked in the box. Not just the innards: but the Frankensteined,

Sexually Molested, Cosmetically Challlenged, Change It or Die exteriors as well. There has

to be a vast number of these things that has had more than a knob added or the face and

back swapped around...where are the mad science upholsterers?

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Yep. I'm starting to think we should start over.

And define the agreement better..

then have a start and end date..




boy, have I seen some modified vjs.. whew! maybe better in the amp forum though..

and I've only got so much stuff to give away! and it aint a lot..*L*


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I'm down with a set start/end date. I like the "bracket" format.

I think that there are a couple ways we could do things.



Separate the bracket into 4 components: Stock Solid Body, Stock Hollowbody, Modified Solid Body, Modified Hollowbody and go from there

^This would be the QUICKEST, but obviously, the stock segments are at a disadvantage when we get down to the "final four"



Each of those "styles" have their own separate contests running with no regard to pickguard/no pickguard (I see that mattering very little in the grand scheme of things).

^This is longer, but people who have stock guitars won't be getting trounced as the contest wears on.



Just my thoughts.

Also, with a set start date, I have time for my parts to come in to finish modding my Les Paul. So that's a bit self serving!

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