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Most expensive valves in the world?


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I know vintage NOS tubes are expensive but this really takes the biscuit.


Ebay Link


Would anyone really pay that much for a pair of valves ?

LOL not only does the seller type "Hungry" but it's on the tubes themselves .... is it not supposed to be Hungary ???[-o< Anybody that pays that much for tubes is an idiot with too much disposable cashish....
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Would anyone really pay that much for a pair of valves ?


A fool and his money are soon parted. But tube buyers generally are not fools or have a lot of disposable income. My guess is they will not get a single bid. I'll put them on my watch list just for fun.

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Hey guys, well, that actually is the norm these days. My other hobby is high end audio and NOS tubes cost a premium. The original KT 88 black Lions fetch over 1k:




And for some pre amp tube like the Siemen cca, well 300+ per tube!




The things are rare and impossible to find. Supply and Demand!

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There are idiots spending $800 - $1000 for original tube screamers...a rather bland, medicore overdrive that consists of about $25-$30 worth of components that can be thrown together in a couple of hours by anyone with moderate soldering skills. NOS tube prices don't surprise me at all.

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It seems to depend on what sector you're buying the tubes from as well.


I bought my 6L6 RCA Blackplates (NOS early 60's manufacture) and my Mullard GZ34 (NOS late 50's manufacture) from a radio guy in Canada. Cost less than £60.00 for the four tubes (got a late 60's GZ34 as well) including shipping.


Buying from a guitar or hifi valve specialist would have cost many times that!

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It's fair to say that those tubes are definitely, over priced. I have drawers full of old tubes, and a dozen or so 12AX7 types that are NOS and 40 years old or better. Some of these have only been out of the box to test. And I don't have more than a few $100 dollars in my whole collection. Hungary Nationals aren't exactly something to write home about either. I consider the new JJ Slovaks to be much better. I doubt he will even get $50 for both of them. Not worth it in my opinion. I have gotten some good tubes off eBay. I bought a half dozen MilSpec JAN 5751 GEs for $30. That was before everybody figured out they were the ****.

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