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First 6V6

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She works.. gotta test voltages again tomorrow and do a little tweaking.. but

sounds good.. different.. different crunch different cleans..different!

and I like it!

:)/ :D/ :D/


Played it a little in the house before taking it back to the shop for final stuff.

ran it through the 16ohm 8".. it crackles. bad speaker.

the 12" 8ohm I use mostly is fine though and whoa.. sounds great.



clean up to 12:00.. and not very dirty until about 1:30 on the dial.

really sounds good to me.

way louder cleans for sure.

And a different quality to them from the el84 amps.


the breakup is different.

Crunchier.. more gravelly I think.

Still gotta A/B these though.. get a better idea. It's been so long since I had any time to play, and even then it's been acoustic on the couch.


I am sure that this is what I want for my second vj to run with the marshallized though.

The cleans at low volume are nicer, and they can get louder and that's one thing I'd like to have in a vj, esp. in a second one.


I may tweak it a bit yet, but not for gain unless it's switchable, I really like it as is.


I also don't see a need for a tone control.. maybe a bright switch just for the fancy.


Anyone got a Conjunctive filter in one of these.. that might be interesting.. change the character of the breakup a bit.


Cool little amp.. !




good boy Twang.. I've had my 6v6 stuff sitting here in a pile waiting to be built never seem to find the time now with all the stage shows I work on my spare time..


Maybe I should think about putting it together.


I only got about a half hour on it before my not quite good soldering caused a minor crackle.

But boy howdy. I like the sound a lot.


I have a 47K NFB, not on a switch, so I may mess with that a bit.

I don't know how low I can go there though, so I have to look around to see what's up on that deal.


This thing must be putting out more watts than 5.


But I don't know how to measure that. Takes some fancy tools I bet.




I was having a hell of a time with my other el84 build.

putting out very little volume no matter what I did.


took a break.


went to the 6V6.. easy crackle fix..

didn't like the front star ground.. redid it like the el84.


guess what.


very little volume!


I found my other problem in this amp.

pretty spiffy when a guy is consistent about his stupid mistakes eh!

You children remember that. Two mistakes are sometimes better than one!




other amp still dead.

really has me going bats.


6V6 however.. coming along nice. gonna tweak a bit but very very happy with the difference.


it's supposed to be a fender.. so I changed the volume knob to something more appropriate.






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