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pot values


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-Yeah' date=' they're "supposed" to be 500k. But when I measured mine, they ranged from 394k to 505k.





Yeah, SHOULD be:


TONE - A500K

Don't know what the +/- factory specs are regarding tolerances...

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-The replacements I got from Black Rose Customs probably 5 years ago were all 500k CTS audio pots. They all measured between 510k and 515k. Now that's a pretty matched set of pots. I get a nice, smooth roll off from the tones and volumes. None of this full on or full off crap. And I got Orange Drop caps to go with them. .015 for the neck and .022 for the bridge. Works great for me.




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Guest icantbuyafender

I've been popping cts 300k's in my axes. been pretty decent to me so far. I noticed more soul and a lot less mud and harshness.

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