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Epiphone Les Paul Standard Question


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First of all,


Im very sorry if I posted in the wrong section of the Forum.


And to all of you,


i badly need your help right now.


My Epiphone Les Paul Standard


- i named 'em Bliss



Its my first guitar.


and i dont really know what the sound i


should look for, for an electric guitar


--i picked this guitar because


= I saw some nice reviews :D


= affordable






and so, after playing it for a whle


i think its just as good as a normal guitar


-but im not sure with that


cause i dont know what the other guitars sounds are.




my friends were all like


"wow, Epiphone. Nice Guitar"


and i dont really feel special when holding it.


is it that great?




thanks for future replies :D


I love Epiphones :D

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Welcome Here Bliss....


If your new to playing guitar, you've got a good starter there.


To answer you're question, what kind of music are you interested, more importantly what kind would you like to play.

That will get to the type of guitar you should look for.


If your learning, and didn't pay too much, your off to a good start.

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First, let me congratulate you on your first guitar purchase!!


The Epiphone Standard is, in fact, a good guitar, and one that will last you a lifetime as long as you take care of it!


You are questioning the sound, and the quality of the instrument, and I don't think I would feel a guitar was special if I had those questions. The amplifier you use will have an effect on sound. Amplifiers can be changed. Pick-ups on the guitar can be changed. Did the guitar get a proper set-up? This can have a major impact on how a guitar feels and sounds!!


As Smips mentioned, the style of music you play will have an influence on what is the right guitar for you.


How does the guitar feel for you when you play Bliss. Do you like the way your hand feels around the neck? Does the guitar sit just right against your body when you strap her on?


I know it's your first guitar, but have you had a chance to experience other guitars?


Sometimes a bond with a guitar will take a while, other times it will happen immediately.


Only you can answer if this guitar is the right one for you, but it is a good guitar and I want it!!


Welcome to the forum! And post pics of your baby!


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Thank You for your posts [lol]




and Yes i will post some pictures of my Bliss later on :D


-and it didn't give it a set-up


because i bought it from guitar center in America [ im from the Philippines :D]


and i noticed it looked


like the guitar from an anime "K-on"


the only difference is the anime had a Gibson guitar :D




so its a good starter?


hmm does it beat the cheap guitars that costs


around $200+?


cause this one cost me around a maximum of $500




And Yes i like the way my hands feel around the neck


And yes it fits me quite well


though for the strap, im still getting used to it.


it hurts my shoulders [ all straps ]




i didnt have a chance to experience other guitars


this would be the first.


i actually wanted to buy the




but it only had one pick up - and my friend said that it has horrible sound :D




and bonding?


GREAT exactly :D


it has a bed of its own :D






haha i dont really know what music im interested.


just like i said.


any music would do :D





and sorry for my bad english :D


like iv'e said, im from the Philippines :D

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Welcome to the forum Bliss..........you have a very nice guitar to start off with.

1 VERY important thing !!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if it still has the stock strap "buttons" on it, have them replaced as quickly as possible (or replace them yourself) with a set of strapLOCKS, before it falls to the floor & breaks the headstock off.......this happens quite often.

Schaller straplocks are not the most attractive, but are designed in a manner that even if the internal spring/pin fails, the "horse-shoe" shape of the lock will keep the guitar from falling, IF INSTALLED CORRECTLY.


Item 2...........Sheila(DefLepFan) touched on it, your choice of amp GREATLY effects your tone.........it's at least 1/3 of the "sound equation", so even if you have to save up $ for a while to get a GOOD amp, it's well worth saving for...........

look around online, go to any places you can find locally where guitar amps are being used, and LISTEN to the sounds they produce. I literally went through 5 small cheap amps before I finally paid the higher price and got a really good small amp........it made a difference in my sound like night and day.

I'm one of the people that had to learn the hard way that "even a GREAT guitar will sound cheap through a cheap amp, but a cheap guitar will sound FINE through a good amp".


Never be shy about asking questions here, this forum contains a wealth of knowledge, and is the friendliest i've found concerning guitars/amps/etc.

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oh i bought an Marshall MG-10


For Practicing Purposes.


and hmm the thing where you put the hole of the strap,


is not that helpful?


so i need a straplock?[or whatver you call that]?

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so i need a straplock?[or whatver you call that]?

Yes' date=' it's called a straplock. It a bit bigger than a standard strapbutton, and it "locks" the strap (hence the name) to the guitar.








Alternatively, you could get the "Dunlop Ergo lok", if you don't want to invest in straplocks.



Oh, I forgot to wish you welcome.

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Thanks you all for the Warm Welcome [cool]


and thanks


and I'll let them install a Straplock.


i though you'll buy another Strap


cause i wont like that


cuz my strap is cool :D

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There are some really good straps out there, padded shoulder ones, that you may find fit you better. The guitar weighs about 10 pounds, so the weight of it on your shoulder with a thin strap can cause discomfort.


That Marshall is a good little practice amp, but not a great sounding amp.


Strap locks will help in keeping the strap on the guitar, and are a great idea with the heavier guitars.


When you go to music stores, take the guitar with you!! You'll want to try guitar straps on your guitar, not on a guitar in the store. You'll also want to hear your guitar through any amp you try out! And don't be shy about trying th amps in stores, even if you are not ready to buy one at this time, you really should go hear the different amps so that you know what you are looking for in sound!!


And finally, get the guitar set-up by a professional. It will make a difference!!



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guitar set-up by a professional


- haha i LOLed so hard.


again im in the philippines


and i dont trust any so called-professionals here >[cool]


i wont let them touch my baby. >:D


haha and thank you thank you


marshall doesnt sound that good?


how bout peavey or fender?



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I understand your situation regarding a tech or Luthier for repairs.

May I suggest that you visit the Do It Yourself section that our member Animalfarm has spent so much time on.

Learn as much about the instrument itself as well as learning how to play it.




With respect to the amp part of the guitar/amp equation, you'll have to try out what's available, and within your budget.

Bender's advice about saving up for a really good one is worth serious consideration, that said, in the event of maintenence, or repairs, again, your in a tough spot for that.

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Hi again,


sorry for the Double Post


Here is the Pictures i promised [crying]


--This is Me [crying]

haha and theres alot of stuff in the background [Old Clothes]

sorry about that XD



---Me Playing with my Baby [crying]




----My Current Gears XD




-----Close Ups





---sorry its blurrish


and i had no time to resize it






---and can you guys tell if thats a fake or not?


cause i bought it in guitarcenter usa and i dont think its fake

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---and can you guys tell if thats a fake or not?


cause i bought it in guitarcenter usa and i dont think its fake

Your guitar is genuine. And as you say, it should be, when you've bought it at Guitarcenter (or any other authorized dealer).

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It's time to remove all of the stickers from your guitar!!


And as stated already, when you buy an Eoiphone from an authorized dealer (such as Guitar Center) you are assured of getting an authentic Epiphone!




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what are the advantages of removing the stickers? XD


cause im just new, and still i have no plans of performing soo.




if i removed the stickers i can see so many disadvantages


can you give me advantages?




haha LOL




Thanks [biggrin]


now i know [confused]

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i dont want to play my guitar while standing anymore :(


cuz im thinking that the strap button will break [crying]


im just a kid


and my budget was like $500


and i spent like $900


and it'll be $1000


if i bought a straplock


im quite ashamed of my parents.


and its my brothers graduation


and he told me "its like your the one who graduated"


my parents bought me a gutiar cause of my determination.


and really. i dont want to spend too much anymore[crying] [crying]


but still i want everything for my guitar [crying] [crying]

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the main issue with the strap locks are the extended cuts in the straps.


Don't want the strap to slip off while playing.


There are all sorts of home-made remedies for this, it isn't urgent that you spend another $100 right now.


Twist ties, washers, (plastic) yarn, anything that you can fashion above the strap, and secure to the button is really what your looking for. So long as the strap doesn't come loose, you will be fine.


When I was young, and poor, I would use twist ties, garbage bag twist ties, and twirl it around the strap, and the button, just in case the strap slipped off, there was an extra layer of securement.


Then you can play standing up all you like.

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it "locks" the strap (hence the name) to the guitar.





The strap button is not what comes loose, the strap it self comes off the metal button.


Look at your strap, and see how large a cut outside the cut out circle there is. That is the issue.


Secure the strap to that button, and problem solved.


The obvious solution is to make a hole in the strap outside of the cut-outs, and re-screw the strap-button through that hole.



Straps are cheap, broken headstocks are not.

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sorry again for the double post [confused]


--is the straplock badly needed?


or it depends by another factor


like the strap?


if it does.


my strap is LEVY's




i rreally need your help

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