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A question about that LP GT Pickguard.


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Now on the epi les paul gt, it has a pickguard, but an odd one, it isnt held on like a regular les paul with a screw on the side, it is firmly on the body with no screws (the les paul gt is a flat body les paul).


so does that mean it'd be held down with som sort of addhessive or glue?

and would it be removable with minimal to no damage?

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If it's a flat body it could be adhesive.

blow dryer used carefully let's you lift those off.. sometimes they just pry up but bend a little.. again the blow dryer and a couple of heavy books will

bend them back.


note.. when you get a warped guard you can fix it that way.. blow drying the back of it.. get it warm, then pressing it.

I see guys get new guards for a little warp here and there when it can be fixed with just a bit of effort.

Also screw holes.. they don't get them perfect at the factory.. they go in at an angle or they are off center a bit to start with..

but filling and redrilling is a good idea when you fix a warp as often that's what caused it.


sorry got carried away.


I haven't seen the gt but if there's no screws it has to have some adhesive I would think.

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