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Silenced Fred

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Really? Did you just quote the musical "Wicked"? I had to watch that in 8th grade for a field trip thing... we got graded on it. Why are there grades and tests on field trips?


No. That phrase is as old as dirt.


I hate musicals so a trip to see Wicked would be more torture than anything else. We had better field trips when I was in high school & jr. high. One day we did a double stop: Detroit Zoo for the biology II class and the Cranbrook Planetarium for the physics class. Being science geek number one I was in both classes so I got a double high. And one of the foxy seniors that went eventually asked me to prom (I was a junior) [love] . Then she moved right after graduation before we could really get to know each other [sad] .

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Good to see you back Surfpup, you've been missed.


Thanks, Bro.


Karma: cool concept but bad things happen to good people and for no particular reason.


Just a human way to try an make sense of things...sort of like religion altogether.


Exactly. For example...


How many times have you pulled out in front of someone while driving only to have someone pull out in front of you? A lot.

How many times have you pulled out in front of someone and no one pulled out in front of you shortly thereafter? A lot more!

However, the "karmic" exceptions and out more in our memory.

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No. That phrase is as old as dirt.


I hate musicals so a trip to see Wicked would be more torture than anything else. We had better field trips when I was in high school & jr. high. One day we did a double stop: Detroit Zoo for the biology II class and the Cranbrook Planetarium for the physics class. Being science geek number one I was in both classes so I got a double high. And one of the foxy seniors that went eventually asked me to prom (I was a junior) [love] . Then she moved right after graduation before we could really get to know each other [sad] .


You worried me for a second. I'm trying to think of the last cool field trip I had... mostly the cool ones involved doing something stupid then some girl saying "I'm bored... wanna do something?" and us wandering around... good times...

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When I'm President, I'm gonna have to really look long and hard to find a reason for government to subsidize charity.


Sadly, there are a lot of good, charitable organizations, who depend on donations, for whatever reason, who would beg to differ. It's a vicious cycle.

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December Holy Days:

* Hannukah – [December 1 to 9 in 2010]

* Saint Nicholas Day in Greece (December 6)

* Day of the Mary Immaculate Conception. (December 8)

* Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe, or Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, in Mexico (December 12)

* Saint Lucy (December 13)

* Solstice (called the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and

the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere) occurs on dates

varying from December 20 to December 22 (in UTC).

* HumanLight (Humanist Holiday), (December 23)

[Not sure a Secular Humanism counts as a religion. Some say Secular Humanism is a religion

whereby the supreme being is Self. But, seeing as they have established a Holy Day or Holiday

I believe this counts as an organized religion --- TK ]

* Christmas Eve (December 24)

* Christmas (December 25)


Kwanzaa is not a Holy Day, but rather a holiday centered around a sweet story.


There is a Muslim Holy day, Eide Aladah. Sometimes it falls in December. This year it falls in November.

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Really? Did you just quote the musical "Wicked"? I had to watch that in 8th grade for a field trip thing... we got graded on it. Why are there grades and tests on field trips?

No. That phrase is as old as dirt.


That, along with "It must be good Karma"


Call it good Karma, What goes around comes around, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, You get what you give..... you done good Fred.

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"Christmas" traditions


Hanging a freshly cut fir tree, in the house and decorating it === pagan


Yule Log === pagan


Yule Ham === pagan


Going door to door singing songs === pagan


A mysterious man sneaking down your chimney to leave gifts. === pagan


Gingerbread cookies === pagan


Sitting in your living room, drinking an alcohol, milk and egg beverage, burning a yule log, with a green plant dying in the corner, while you eat candy from your sock and worry about whether the last purchase you made will be on this month's credit card bill or the next one. === American [blush]

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There is a Muslim Holy day, Eide Aladah. Sometimes it falls in December. This year it falls in November.


Ah, lunar calendars. Koreans use it too for all of their festivals except Chesa (new years day). What day does it fall on? Hold on, let me consult my astrology chart. Actually, an old friend of the family is a big astronomy geek and the locale Islamic group consults him on the start/stop of Ramadan (it's based on lunar calendar too, I guess).

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Ah, lunar calendars. Koreans use it too for all of their festivals except Chesa (new years day). What day does it fall on? Hold on, let me consult my astrology chart. Actually, an old friend of the family is a big astronomy geek and the locale Islamic group consults him on the start/stop of Ramadan (it's based on lunar calendar too, I guess).


Just like Easter... and Passover.

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That, along with "It must be good Karma"


Call it good Karma, What goes around comes around, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, You get what you give..... you done good Fred.


I truly believe in what goes around comes around.

It takes time sometimes but it happens. Hopefully for the good.

A good rule of thumb is to be a good person in heart,mind and intent.

The rest will follow.

It really isn't that hard to do and the benefits are immeasurable.

Live well within yourself.

How deep is that?



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