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Nickelback meets 3 Doors Down! (Free Song Download, check it out!)


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If you like Nickelback and 3 Doors Down you’ve got to check out Default! I just got their song on Amazon for free!! http://amzn.to/aMdhGu

So once you listen, and decide you love it (like me!) Amazon has a great deal, the WHOLE ALBUM for $2.99! I would definitely say it’s worth it! http://amzn.to/cETp3Y

Let me know what you guys think of this band! :)

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I'm going to give you some advice, try, try, try to limit comparing a band, new or otherwise, to nickelback. That is not a way to drive people to listen to something.


Also, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt in saying that this probably isn't 100% spam, but at least part of it is.



But if you believe in it don't give up, I'm just trying to help.

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